首page> Policies and regulations >Ministry of Commerce and General Administration of Customs Announcement No. 109 of 2018 on the cancellation of the "Operation Status and Production of Processing Trade Enterprises"



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 Release date: 2019-01-02   |   Number of visits: 775    |  Source: Ministry of Commerce  


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According to the State Council’s “decentralization, regulation and service” work deployment and the spirit of the “Several Opinions of the State Council on Promoting the Innovative Development of Processing Trade” (Guofa [2016] No. 4),To deepen the reform of the processing trade management system,Further improve the level of convenience,Improve supervision during and after the event,Canceling the "Processing Trade Enterprise Business Status and Production Capacity dafabet live casinoCertificate" nationwide (hereinafter referred to as the "Production Capacity Certificate"),Processing trade enterprises independently commit to possessing corresponding production and operation capabilities。The relevant matters are hereby announced as follows:

一、Since January 1, 2019,Enterprises engaged in processing trade business no longer apply for a "Production Capacity Certificate",The competent commerce department will no longer issue "Production Capacity Certificate" for processing trade enterprises。

二、Enterprises carry out processing trade business,Must have corresponding production and operation capabilities。Processing enterprises should have factories suitable for their business scope、Processing equipment and workers,Operating enterprises should have import and export rights。Enterprises should consciously implement safe production、Energy saving and low carbon、Environmental protection and other social responsibilities。

 三、Enterprises carry out processing trade business,dafabet live casinoMust log in to the "Processing Trade Enterprise Operating Status and Production Capacity Information System" (https://ecomp.mofcom.gov.cn/),Self-completed "Information Form on Business Status and Production Capacity of Processing Trade Enterprises" (hereinafter referred to as "Information Form"),And make a commitment to the authenticity of the information。The "Information Form" is valid for 1 year from the date of filling in (updating),After expiration or related information changes,Enterprises should update the "Information Form" in a timely manner。

Four、Enterprises that have filled out the "Information Form" online must go to the competent customs to complete the procedures for establishing (changing) the processing trade manual (account),No need to submit paper "Information Form"。

 五、The enterprise has obtained the "Production Capacity Certificate" before January 1, 2019,And the information has not changed,You can still go to the competent customs to handle processing trade procedures with the valid "Production Capacity Certificate"。

Six、Enterprises make Dafabet reviewsfalse promises,will be recorded in corporate integrity record,And take measures such as lowering the customs credit rating in accordance with the law。

Seven、Commercial authorities and customs must continue to strengthen services and guidance for processing trade enterprises,Do a good job in policy publicity and promotion,Ensure the smooth operation of processing trade management。


  "Processing Trade Enterprise Operating Status and Production Capacity Information Form" print form.pdf