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Notice on the issuance of the "Implementation Rules for Auto Trade-in of Old Vehicles in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region"

Nei Shang Yun Zi [2024] No. 663

Administrative offices of all leagues and municipal people’s government:

In order to implement the National Development and Reform Commission、Notice of the Ministry of Finance on Several Measures to Strengthen Support for Large-Scale Equipment Updates and Trade-In of Consumer Goods (Fagaihuanzi [2024] No. 1104) and the Notice of the Ministry of Commerce and other 7 departments on further improving the work related to the trade-in of automobiles. Notice》(Business and Consumer Letter [2024] No. 392),Further improve the work of replacing old cars with new ones,Focus on stabilizing and expanding automobile consumption,The "Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Automobile Trade-in Implementation Rules" are now issued to you,Please implement it carefully。

Department of Commerce of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Development and Reform Commission

Department of Industry and Information Technology of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Public Security Department

Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Finance Department

State Administration of Taxation, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Taxation Bureau

September 9, 2024


Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Automobile Trade-in Implementation Rules

In order to implement the National Development and Reform Commission、Notice of the Ministry of Finance on Several Measures to Enhance Support for Large-Scale Equipment Renewal and Trade-in of Consumer Goods (Fagaihuanzi [2024] No. 1104,Hereinafter referred to as "Several Measures") and "Notice of the Ministry of Commerce and other 7 departments on further improving the work related to automobile trade-in" (Business and Consumer Letter [2024] No. 392),Further improve the work of replacing old cars with new ones,Focus on stabilizing and expanding automobile consumption,Specially formulated "Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Automobile Trade-in Implementation Rules"。

  1. Car scrapping update

  (1) Subsidy Scope

From April 24, 2024 to December 31, 2024,Individual consumers scrap their own fuel-fired passenger vehicles with National III emission standards or below or scrap new energy passenger vehicles registered before April 30, 2018 (the following dates are all inclusive),And buy a new car in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,Issue local unified sales invoice for motor vehicles,You can apply for a one-time car purchase subsidy。

  (2) Subsidy standards

Individual consumers who scrap the above two types of used cars and purchase new energy passenger cars included in the "Catalogue of New Energy Vehicle Models with Reduction and Exemption of Vehicle Purchase Tax" of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology can apply for a subsidy of 20,000 yuan per vehicle;Purchasing scrapped fuel passenger vehicles with National III emission standards and below.Fuel passenger vehicles below 0L (inclusive) emission standards can apply for a subsidy of 15,000 yuan per vehicle。For eligible subsidy applications submitted since April 24, 2024 (including applications for completed subsidy disbursement),All subsidies will be provided according to the standards specified in this notice。Among them,For previously submitted eligible subsidy applications,Make up the difference according to the above standards。

  (3) Subsidy conditions

The subject applying for automobile scrappage renewal subsidy shall meet the following conditions:

  1、The owner of the scrapped car and the owner of the new car who apply for subsidies should be the same consumer。

  2、According to the requirements of "Several Measures",The used car scrapped by individual consumers must be registered in their name before July 25, 2024,Subject to the registration date stated on the "Motor Vehicle Registration Certificate" of the old vehicle。

  3、Individual consumers scrap old cars in their names,The scrap date should be between April 24, 2024 and December 31, 2024,dafabet online betting websiteThe scrap date shall be based on the delivery time stated on the "Scrapped Motor Vehicle Recycling Certificate"。The "Scrapped Motor Vehicle Recycling Certificate" should be issued by a qualified scrapped motor vehicle recycling and dismantling enterprise。

  4、After the old car is scrapped under the name of an individual consumer,Deregistration required。The "Motor Vehicle Cancellation Certificate" should be obtained between April 24, 2024 and December 31, 2024。

  5、New vehicles purchased by individual consumers,Purchase date should be between April 24, 2024 and December 31, 2024,The purchase date shall be subject to the invoicing date stated on the "Uniform Invoice for Motor Vehicle Sales" issued by the automobile sales agency。

  6、New cars purchased by individual consumers should complete vehicle registration between April 24, 2024 and December 31, 2024,Obtain "Motor Vehicle Registration Certificate" and "Motor Vehicle Driving License",The registration date shall be subject to the registration date stated on the "Motor Vehicle Driving License"。

  7、Newly purchased vehicles that enjoy the autonomous region’s vehicle scrapping and renewal subsidy funds,Do not enjoy the autonomous region car replacement and renewal subsidy repeatedly。

  (4) Subsidy application materials

  1、Owners of scrapped and updated vehicles need to fill in their personal identity information,Vehicle identification number of scrapped car,Original photos or scanned copies of the "Scrapped Motor Vehicle Recycling Certificate" and "Motor Vehicle Cancellation Certificate";Vehicle identification number of newly purchased passenger car、"Uniform Invoice for Motor Vehicle Sales"、"Motor Vehicle Registration Certificate"、Original photo or scanned copy of "Motor Vehicle Driving License", etc.。

  2、The bank debit card (Class I) account opening bank held by the applicant、Card number、Mobile phone number that can receive text messages normally。

Identity information submitted by the above applicant、Bank card information、Invoice information and vehicle registration information must be consistent。

(5) Supplementary explanation

"Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Automobile Consumer Goods Trade-in Implementation Plan" (Neishangyunzi [2024] No. 273) is inconsistent with the provisions of these rules,Subject to these rules。

  2. Car replacement update

  (1) Subsidy objects: individual consumers

  (2) Subsidy scope:From the date of issuance of these rules to December 31, 2024,Individual consumers transfer fuel or new energy passenger cars (hereinafter referred to as "used cars") under their own names,And purchase new passenger cars in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,Issue local unified sales invoice for motor vehicles,You can apply for a one-time car purchase subsidy。

Passenger cars refer to small vehicles registered with the public security and traffic control department、Micro passenger car。New energy passenger vehicles include pure electric vehicles、Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (including extended range)、燃料电池汽车三类(机动车行驶证副page有“新能源”标注,hang green license plate)。

Vehicle transfer refers to the transfer of ownership of a fuel or new energy passenger vehicle registered under the name of an individual consumer (excluding change registration),Obtain the "Uniform Invoice for Used Car Sales",And complete the transfer registration procedures。

Newly purchased vehicles refer to new fuel or new energy passenger vehicles purchased by individual consumers in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,Obtain the "Uniform Invoice for Motor Vehicle Sales",Complete vehicle registration at the traffic management department of the public security organ,Obtain a valid "Motor Vehicle Registration Certificate" and "Motor Vehicle Driving License"。

  (3) Subsidy standards

  1、The newly purchased vehicle is a new energy passenger vehicle,According to the car purchase invoice amount (total price and tax,The same below),14,000 yuan subsidy from 50,000 yuan (inclusive) to 100,000 yuan (exclusive),16,000 yuan subsidy from 100,000 yuan (inclusive) to 200,000 yuan (exclusive),18,000 yuan subsidy for more than 200,000 yuan (inclusive)。

  2、The newly purchased vehicle is a fuel passenger car,According to the car purchase invoice amount,11,000 yuan subsidy from 50,000 yuan (inclusive) to 100,000 yuan (exclusive)dafabet casino mobile app,13,000 yuan subsidy from 100,000 yuan (inclusive) to 200,000 yuan (exclusive),15,000 yuan subsidy for more than 200,000 yuan (inclusive)。

  (4) Subsidy conditions

The subject applying for this car replacement and renewal subsidy should meet the following conditions:

  1、Transfer old car、The new car must be purchased and registered by the same person。

  2、The used car transferred by an individual consumer must be registered in his or her name before the date of issuance of these rules,Subject to the registration date stated on the "Motor Vehicle Registration Certificate" of the old vehicle。

  3、The "Uniform Invoice for Motor Vehicle Sales" for new cars is issued in each league city in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region。

  4、The date of transfer of used cars and purchase of new cars by individual consumers must be between the date of issuance of these rules and December 31, 2024,No order required,The transfer date of the used car shall be subject to the invoicing date stated in the "Uniform Invoice for Used Car Sales",The new car purchase date shall be subject to the invoicing date stated on the "Uniform Invoice for Motor Vehicle Sales"。

  5、New cars purchased by individual consumers should complete vehicle registration before December 31, 2024,Obtain "Motor Vehicle Registration Certificate" and "Motor Vehicle Driving License",The registration date shall be subject to the registration date stated on the "Motor Vehicle Driving License"。

  6、Newly purchased vehicles that enjoy the autonomous region’s car replacement and renewal subsidy funds,Do not enjoy the autonomous region vehicle scrapping and renewal subsidy repeatedly。

  (5) Procedure for applying for subsidy

  1. Application

Individual consumers who meet the above conditions should apply before January 10, 2025,Log in to the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Government Subsidy Mini Program Car Replacement Update Activity Area by logging into the Cloud QuickPass APP,Follow the system prompts to complete、Accurate、Clearly fill in the following subsidy application materials:

(1) Applicant’s name、ID type and ID number,You need to upload photos or scans of the front and back of your ID;The bank debit card (Class I) account opening bank held by the applicant、Account opening bank information、Mobile phone number that can receive text messages normally。

(2) Original photo or scan of the "Uniform Invoice for Used Car Sales" for transferring the old car;Original photo or scanned copy of the "Motor Vehicle Registration Certificate" for old cars (including the date of motor vehicle registration、Registration number、Vehicle Type、Vehicle identification number and other contents)。

(3) "Uniform Motor Vehicle Sales Invoice" for purchasing new cars、"Motor Vehicle Registration Certificate"、Original photo or scanned copy of "Motor Vehicle Driving License"。

Identity information submitted by the applicant、Bank card information、Invoice information and vehicle transfer registration、Registration information must be consistent。

  2. Review

Application for car replacement and renewal subsidy,By the commerce of each league city、Public Security、Taxation、The Industry and Information Technology Department compares the relevant information submitted by the applicant through the platform、Review,Provide review opinions within 15 working days after accepting the application。The Commerce Department is responsible for formal review of the documentary evidence submitted by the applicant;The public security department is responsible for verifying used car transfer information、New car registration information;The tax department is responsible for verifying used and new car transaction invoice information;The industry and information technology department is responsible for verifying new energy vehicle model information。

Reviewed,The information is true and complete,Meet the scope and conditions of subsidy,Approved。After comparison, one of the following situations exists,Return application:

(1) The applicant did not submit complete information as required、The submitted materials are not clear or legible;

(2) Used vehicles and new vehicles stated in the "Motor Vehicle Registration Certificate" are not small、Micro passenger vehicle type;

(3) The invoicing place information stated in the "Uniform Invoice for Motor Vehicle Sales" for new cars is not within the scope of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region;

(4) Personal identity information submitted by the applicant and personal information for transferring the used car、Personal information for purchasing a new car、Personal information for new car registration is inconsistent;

(5) Other situations that do not meet the subsidy conditions.

  平台将Review结果通过平台page面显示,If you need to modify it,Synchronously inform the information and materials that need to be corrected。Applicants should log in to the platform in time to check the review Dafabet reviewsprogress。If the review fails,You need to follow the prompts to supplement and correct relevant materials within the policy implementation period and resubmit the application。Return unqualified subsidy applications and inform the reasons through the platform。

  3. Objection review

The applicant has objections to the review results,You can apply to the Commerce Bureau of each league city for review,The League City Commerce Bureau will submit review opinions within 15 working days,And notify the applicant。

  3. Funding sources

According to the requirements of "Several Measures",The National Development and Reform Commission arranges ultra-long-term government bond funds to support local governments in improving their ability to trade in consumer goods for new ones,Promote car scrapping updates and individual consumer passenger car replacement updates。

Car trade-in subsidy funds are based on 9.5:0.5 shall be shared by the central government and the autonomous region’s finances at the same level,The Autonomous Region Development and Reform Commission and the Department of Finance combine the population of each league city、Factors such as regional GDP and demand estimated by the Department of Commerce,Cut the funds into pieces and distribute them to each league city based on actual conditions。

  4. Review and allocation process

After the commercial authorities of each league city receive the application materials for car trade-in subsidies,In conjunction with Finance、Public Security、Industry and Information Technology、Taxation and other departments will review according to their functional responsibilities,Feedback review results through the car trade-in platform。The Autonomous Region Commerce Department is responsible for overall coordination and overall implementation,Selecting third-party organizations to build a car replacement and update service platform,Supervise the Commerce Bureau of each league city to review subsidy applications。The Autonomous Region Finance Department is responsible for implementing the central and autonomous region-level fiscal funds required for subsidies,Work with the Autonomous Region Commerce Department to supervise the implementation of fund allocation in all league cities、Supervision and management、Final liquidation and other work。The Autonomous Region Public Security Department is responsible for reviewing and inspecting vehicle-related information and data,Investigate and deal with illegal and criminal acts in subsidy applications in accordance with the law。The Autonomous Region Industry and Information Technology Department is responsible for comparing whether newly purchased models are new energy vehicles。The Autonomous Region Taxation Bureau is responsible for checking the authenticity of invoices。The Commerce Bureau of each league city, together with the relevant departments at the same level, implements the local car trade-in subsidies in accordance with the requirements,Responsible for the review of subsidy fund applications。

The financial departments of each league city can update the target number of passenger cars with National III and below emission standards in the region and the number of scrapped cars in 2024 provided by the business department of the league city、Replacement updates, etc.,Jiang Central、The subsidy funds issued by the autonomous region are pre-allocated to the commerce department of the league city。The Commerce Department of League City summarizes the information of applicants who meet the subsidy conditions every 20 working days、Subsidy amount,Pay the subsidy funds to the bank account provided by the applicant in accordance with the provisions of the national treasury centralized payment system。The Autonomous Region Commerce Department reports the funding arrangements opinions of each league city to the Autonomous Region Finance Department on a quarterly basis、Inner Mongolia dafabet casino mobile appSupervision Bureau of the Ministry of Finance、Autonomous Region Development and Reform Commission。The specific payment method shall be determined by the League City Commercial Affairs、Finance、Mutually agreed upon by the development and reform departments。

After the end of the policy implementation period,The Autonomous Region Finance Department conducts liquidation based on the number of car trade-ins and fund disbursements in each league city。Submit to the Inner Mongolia dafabet casino mobile appSupervision Bureau of the Ministry of Finance for review in accordance with national fund allocation and liquidation requirements。

  5. Supervision and Management

Each league city updates automobile scrappage in accordance with the "Several Measures" and our district's automobile trade-in policy、Implementation supervision and management of fund subsidies for replacement and renewal of passenger cars for individual consumers,Make a good connection with relevant policies during implementation,Ensure smooth transition of policies,Improve the efficiency of fund use,Effectively facilitate enterprises and benefit the people,And effectively ensure the safety of subsidy funds。

All league cities should set up car trade-in telephone consultation hotlines,Respond to public demands in a timely manner,Accept and resolve consumer inquiries、Complaints and other related matters,Accept social supervision。For those who are found to have used false information or set up false transactions and other improper means to defraud subsidy funds,Relevant departments in all leagues and cities must deal with it seriously in accordance with laws and regulations,And recover the subsidy funds。Violating individuals and enterprises will be disqualified from subsidies and participation in subsidy activities,And be included in the bad credit record。Those who have seriously violated the law,Pursuing the legal responsibilities of relevant individuals and enterprises in accordance with the law。Automobile sales companies and their sales staff should operate in accordance with the law、Integrity Management,Multiple openings are strictly prohibited、Virtually open、Fake sales invoice,Do not use the name of assisting with subsidy applications,Any fees charged。

These detailed rules shall be implemented from the date of issuance.

Source: Department of Commerce of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region