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 Release date: 2018-05-11   |   Number of visits: 1282    
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Vocational skills training has “lifetime” guarantee

 Interpreter: Relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security  Interviewer: Reporter Ding Yiting

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,Our country has provided jobs for more than 13 million people for five consecutive years,A gratifying achievement。But for a long time,There is always a structural contradiction of shortage of skilled talents in my country’s labor and employment market,The recruitment ratio for skilled workers has always been 1.5:1 or above,It is not uncommon to find employment and recruitment difficulties。How to further increase the employment population,Achieving high-quality employment development?

Recently,The State Council issued the "Opinions on Implementing the Lifelong Vocational Skills Training System" (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions"),This is a guiding document for promoting vocational skills training at present and in the future。Vocational skills training is to comprehensively improve workers’ employment and entrepreneurship capabilities、Resolving structural employment conflicts、Fundamental measures to improve employment quality。Promote lifelong vocational skills training system,To promote mass entrepreneurship and innovation、Promote the construction of a manufacturing power、Improving total factor productivity、It is of great significance to promote the economy to the mid-to-high level。

How to understand the concept of “lifelong”?What are the new changes in this policy?The reporter interviewed the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security。

Four major measures to promote the characteristic development of the “lifelong” system

 2012 to 2017,A total of 1 government-subsidized vocational skills training has been carried out across the country.1.4 billion visitors。As of the end of 2017,There are more than 20,000 vocational skills institutions of various types across the country,The number of skilled workers nationwide reaches 1.6.5 billion people,Of which 47.91 million are highly skilled talents。But for now,The coverage of vocational skills training is still not wide enough、The quality of training needs to be improved、Problems such as insufficient supply capacity。Promote lifelong vocational skills training system,It is an urgent need for the reform of vocational skills training,It also helps to promote the construction of knowledge-based、Skill type、Innovative workforce。

One of the features and highlights of this "Opinion" is "lifelong",How to understand these two words?

Introduction by the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security,“Lifelong” is mainly reflected in four aspects:

First, the training targets all workers,Including urban workers,Also includes rural workers,Including employed persons,Also includes those preparing for employment。

Second, training subsidies cover workers’ lifelong careers,Start with labor preparation,To enable workers to achieve employment and entrepreneurship throughout the entire process of study and career,All have the opportunity to enjoy government vocational skills training subsidies。“This is the core of the lifelong vocational skills training system。"The person in charge told reporters。

Third, skills evaluation and incentive activities cover the entire process of worker training and employment,Proposed to establish a multi-evaluation mechanism for skilled talents、Multi-channel incentive mechanism for skill improvement,Enable training、Employment、Review、Use organic connections。

The fourth is to provide full service guarantee,Public training institution、Vocational College、Vocational training institutions and industry enterprises are the main carriers,Provide comprehensive vocational skills training services。

Strive to basically dafabet online sports betting appmeet the training needs of workers after 2020

Promote lifelong vocational skills training system,"Opinions" from the perspective of building a training system、Deepening the reform of mechanisms and systems、Proposed a series of policies and measures to improve basic training capabilities and strengthen job security。Compared with previous policies,What are the new changes in the lifelong vocational skills training policy?

Relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security said,According to the development needs of the new situation,The "Opinions" have improved and innovated the vocational skills training policy,Mainly reflected in eight aspects:

Policy objectives,Clearly establish and implement coverage for all workers in urban and rural areas、Throughout the life of workers learning and working、A lifelong vocational skills training system that meets the needs of employment, entrepreneurship, talent growth, and economic and social development,Strive to basically dafabet online sports betting appmeet the training needs of workers after 2020。

Focus on key groups,For college graduates、Migrant workers、To resolve excess production capacity, employees and other groups of enterprises shall implement special vocational skills training action plans,At the same time, emphasis is placed on corporate employee training and high-skilled talent training。As understood,Currently 1 skilled worker nationwide.6.5 billion,Accounting for about 20% of the employed population,Highly skilled talents only account for about 6% of the employed people。Skilled talents are in relatively short supply among all talents。

Training type,Employment Skills Training、Job skills improvement training、Based on the three major types of entrepreneurship training,Adapt to development needs,Added the cultivation of craftsman spirit and professional quality,Expand entrepreneurship training into entrepreneurship and innovation training。

Funding Guarantee,Expand funding channels to establish government、Enterprise、Social diversified investment mechanism,Via Employment Grant Funding、Enterprise employee education and training funds、Social donation sponsorship、Raise training funds through various channels such as personal payment by dafabet online betting websiteworkers,Unemployment insurance funds can also be used for skill improvement training for employees participating in unemployment insurance。

"Now investing in vocational skills training,Government subsidy investment needs to be increased,We made a statistics,For many years, the government’s per capita vocational skills training subsidy standard has been around 500 yuan。Some companies,Employee education funds can be withdrawn in accordance with regulations,Not completely in place yet。Financial investment in technical colleges,These years are not enough。"The person in charge said。

In addition,"Opinions" are also provided in training、Purchase Service、Purchase Service、Relevant new policies have been proposed in terms of quality supervision and other aspects。

Implementing full coverage of subsidies for enterprise employee training

Enterprises are the main employer,The "Opinions" emphasize giving full play to the main role of enterprises,How to improve their motivation?

Relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security talks,In terms of financial support,Skills training subsidies have covered all skilled personnel in the company。Eligible migrant workers and other five categories of personnel participate in pre-job training、Newly recruited and transferred personnel participate in the company’s new apprenticeship training、Unemployment insurance insured employees participate in training and obtain junior high school and senior vocational qualification certificates or vocational skill level certificates、Enterprise employees participate in technician and senior technician training,All can enjoy vocational training subsidies in accordance with regulations。

“Achieving full coverage of subsidies for enterprise employee training,This is a full reflection of our country’s emphasis on employee training。In 2017, 5.42 million enterprise employees across the country participated in government-subsidized vocational training,About 200,000 employees covered by unemployment insurance have received skills improvement training subsidies。"The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security said,In terms of tax incentives,dafabet casino mobile appThe employee education funds incurred by the enterprise can be disbursed before tax according to regulations;In terms of technical support,Make full use of the enterprise、The dual role of colleges and universities in cultivating skilled talents;In terms of cultivating high-skilled talents,We will focus on strengthening the training of high-skilled talents。

"Our country has developed to this stage,It is also time to highlight the ‘talent dividend’。We must vigorously advocate the concept of lifelong training for workers,Enable my country’s development to transform from ‘demographic dividend’ to ‘talent dividend’。"The person in charge said。