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 Release date: 2018-05-10   |   Number of visits: 1233    
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Vocational skills training is an important part of the national education system and human resources development,Carrying out the cultivation of diverse talents、Inherited technical skills、Important responsibility of promoting employment and entrepreneurship。The State Council recently issued the "Opinions on Implementing the Lifelong Vocational Skills Training System",It is further clarified that vocational skills training is to comprehensively improve workers’ employment and entrepreneurship capabilities、Alleviate the structural contradiction of shortage of skilled talents、Fundamental measures to improve employment quality,It is adapted to high-quality economic development、Cultivation of new driving forces for economic development、Intrinsic requirements for promoting supply-side structural reform。Promote lifelong vocational skills training system,To promote mass entrepreneurship and innovation、Promote the construction of a manufacturing power、Improving total factor productivity、It is of great significance to promote the economy to the mid-to-high level。

Four major measures to promote the characteristic development of the “lifelong” system

There is a unique word in the opinions issued this time-"lifelong"。But with the continuous development of society,Technology is constantly changing,Nowadays, it is difficult for a worker to rely on one skill alone for a lifetime,How to embody the word "lifelong"?

"It is clear in the opinion,‘Establish and implement dafabet casino mobile appcoverage for all workers in urban and rural areas、Throughout the life of workers learning and working、Adapt to the needs of employment, entrepreneurship and talent growth’,So it is positioned in coverage、A lifelong vocational skills training system that runs through and adapts to these three,To solve the ‘lifelong’ problem。" Tang Tao, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security said。

How to implement specific measures?Tang Tao believes that measures should be taken mainly from four aspects:

From the perspective of covering training objects,Including urban workers,Also includes rural workers,Including employed persons,Also includes people preparing for employment;

From the perspective of employment training subsidies,As ​​long as you are on duty、On-the-job labor or work,All can receive vocational skills training,And receive government subsidies,Also covers lifelong career;

From the perspective of skill evaluation incentive mechanism,Except for professional qualifications、Professional skill level、In addition to the special business capabilities of skilled personnel,Vocational skills training will also be included,And cover the entire training process,To increase motivation;

From the perspective of service guarantee,Will provide a full range of service guarantee,Strongly advocate the concept of lifelong training for workers,To transform our country from “demographic dividend” to “talent dividend”。

"The core of these four points is the second point,That is, the coverage of subsidized training must run through the entire career process,This is the most important meaning of the lifelong system。"Tang Tao said。

Extensively carry out employment skills training,Achieving high-quality employment development

Employment is the greatest livelihood,dafabet online sports betting appIt is also the ballast stone for economic development。Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,Our country has provided jobs for more than 13 million people for five consecutive years,A gratifying achievement。But for a long time,There is always a structural contradiction of shortage of skilled talents in my country’s labor and employment market,The recruitment ratio for skilled workers has always been 1.5:1 or above,It is not uncommon to find employment and recruitment difficulties。

How to further increase the employment population,Achieving high-quality employment development,Need to implement a lifelong vocational skills training system,Extensively carry out vocational skills training。

Proposed in the opinions issued this time,Focus on key groups for employment and entrepreneurship,Carry out extensive employment skills training,At the same time, in order to adapt to the needs of industrial transformation and upgrading,Focus on strengthening the training of highly skilled talents。

 “High-quality employment means full employment opportunities、Fair employment environment、Good employability、Reasonable employment structure、Harmonious labor relations,In terms of improving employment services,Need to establish a lifelong vocational skills training system for workers。" said Mo Rong, Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Labor and Social Security Sciences。

In recent years,Our country has successively introduced a number of policies and measures,Continue to promote the further development of the vocational skills training system,Carry out extensive employment skills training around key groups in employment and entrepreneurship,At the same time, in order to adapt to the needs of industrial transformation and upgrading,Focus on strengthening the training of highly skilled talents。

Data is displayed,my country conducts nearly 17 million government-subsidized dafabet live casinotrainings every year,The number of skilled workers nationwide currently reaches 1.6.5 billion people,Of which 47.91 million are highly skilled talents。

“Continue to carry out extensive vocational skills training,has made positive contributions to promoting my country’s economic and social development and providing employment and entrepreneurship for workers。"Mo Rong said。

Enterprises play a major role in strengthening vocational skills training

Strengthen vocational skills training for workers,Is to enhance the core competitiveness of the enterprise、The inevitable requirement to promote industrial transformation and upgrading,It is also an important part of the in-depth implementation of the strategy of strengthening the country through talent and the strategy of innovation-driven development。Currently in vocational skills training,The mechanism of Chinese enterprises is not perfect yet,The role it plays is not clear enough,This is an aspect that needs to be strengthened。

According to the provisions of my country’s labor law,Workers have the right to receive vocational skills training,Employers should establish a vocational training system,It was also emphasized in the "Opinions on Strengthening Vocational Training to Promote Employment" promulgated and implemented by the State Council in 2010,We must guide enterprises to vigorously carry out order-based training、Oriented training、Job training。However, the opinions issued this time specifically emphasize the need to play the main role of enterprises,Support enterprises to carry out large-scale vocational skills training,Increase the enthusiasm of enterprises,Comprehensively strengthen job skills improvement training for enterprise employees。

"In terms of funds,The enterprise’s vocational skills training subsidies will cover all skilled personnel of the enterprise,dafabet live casinoWhether it is a new employee or an existing employee。In terms of tax benefits,The enterprise will fully and reasonably use employee education funds in accordance with regulations,Employee education expenditures shall not exceed 2% of total wages and salaries.5%,Deducted before tax,The excess can be carried forward for deduction。These policies and measures are a support to encourage enterprises to carry out vocational skills training。"Tang Tao said。

  Source:Xinhua News Agency(Reporter Ye Haoming