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Comprehensive registration of scientific and technological achievements in the field of traditional Chinese medicine,Is the premise for statistical analysis and tracking management of scientific and technological achievements in the entire industry,Be able to fully grasp the investment in traditional Chinese medicine research、Output status,More conducive to the exchange of results information,Promote the transformation and application of results。To adapt to the new situation,Implement the requirements of the latest policy documents such as the Law on Promoting the Transformation of Scientific and Technological Achievements (revised in 2015),Further standardize and strengthen the registration of scientific and technological achievements of traditional Chinese medicine,Our bureau organized the revision of the "Registration Methods for Traditional Chinese Medicine Scientific and Technological Achievements" issued in 2013 (State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine Science and Technology Fa [2013] No. 22),The "Measures for the Registration and Management of Traditional Chinese Medicine Scientific and Technological Achievements (Revised)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Management Measures")。

  2. Scope of application

The "Administrative Measures" apply to the registration and management of traditional Chinese medicine scientific and technological achievements dafabet online betting websitegenerated by various science and technology plans and projects (including special projects) and non-financial investment。

  3. Main contents of the revision

(1) Further clarify the scope of registration。First, clarify what kind of achievements can be included in the scope of registration,That is, at the beginning of each year, the organization registers and passes the evaluation of the previous year (including appraisal、Acceptance and national laws、Traditional Chinese medicine scientific and technological achievements that are reviewed and approved by specialized agencies as stipulated in regulations。Second, it is clarified which units that have completed achievements need to register,That is to say, the fourth article is added, "The achievement completion units that apply for registration mainly include: colleges and universities of traditional Chinese medicine、Scientific Research Institute、Medical institutions should register,Other various institutions of higher learning、Scientific Research Institute、Voluntary registration of medical institutions and related enterprises。”

(2) Further optimize the registration process。By the provincial Chinese medicine authorities、China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine、Beijing University of Chinese Medicine to this region、The materials submitted by this unit will be reviewed for formality,After formal review by China Traditional Chinese Medicine Science and Technology Development Center as the results registration agency,Centralized submission to the National Science and Technology Achievements Network,Consolidation of data registered with effective channels such as the science and technology management department,Formation of scientific and technological achievements database of traditional Chinese medicine industry。

dafabet live casino(3) Carry out online registration and issue registration voucher。Previous results registration,Using paper materials or offline file submission,Not compatible with the development of informatization of traditional Chinese medicine。"Management Measures" integrates data informatization methods,Completely adopt online system for registration,In combination with the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine results, personalized indicators such as result classification have been expanded,The system automatically generates an electronic registration voucher and issues a registration number,The unit that completed the results can check the online system and download it by yourself、Print,Authenticity query can be realized at the same time,Improve registration quality and efficiency。

(4) Highlight the constraints and incentives for achievement registration work。Recommending the registration work and rewards of traditional Chinese medicine scientific and technological achievements、Project review、Platform construction and other hooks,Increase the enthusiasm of registration for achievement achievers。Propose traditional Chinese medicine scientific and technological achievements that have been registered in the scientific and technological achievements database of the traditional Chinese medicine industry through effective channels,Has the qualification to be recommended by our bureau to the country for relevant awards as an outstanding project,In principle, scientific and technological achievements that have not been registered are not eligible for our office to recommend relevant awards to the country。Register the scientific and technological achievements of traditional Chinese medicine in each unit,As an evaluation of the scientific and technological management level of the unit、Basis on the ability to undertake national, dafabet online betting websiteprovincial and ministerial level traditional Chinese medicine research projects,To ensure the smooth implementation of the registration work。

  4. Basic situation after revision

The revised "Management Measures" are divided into general provisions、Application and Registration、Responsibilities and Rights and Bylaws,Total 4 chapters、17 items。

6 general provisions,Clear the background significance of registration of scientific and technological achievements of traditional Chinese medicine、Hierarchical management、Organization registration agency、Registration unit range、Scope and classification of registration results。

Application and registration, 7 items in total,Clear the conditions for registration of scientific and technological achievements of traditional Chinese medicine、Materials should be submitted、Registration Process、Registration electronic voucher and registration number issuance、Registration time、Registration data collection。Among them,The registration voucher for scientific and technological achievements is only used as a voucher to confirm the registration of the achievements,Not used as a basis for confirming the ownership and level of scientific and technological achievements。

Responsibilities and rights 3 items in total,Clear the authenticity requirements for registration of scientific and technological achievements of traditional Chinese medicine、Incentive and restraint measures and punitive measures。

Supplementary Provisions,Total 1 item,Make it clear that the "Management Measures" will take effect from the date of promulgation。The "Registration Measures for Traditional Chinese Medicine Scientific and Technological Achievements" issued by our bureau in 2013 are abolished at the same time。

Source: State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine