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Article selector: Chu Chen   |   Release date:2024/9/4 14:32:43   |   Number of views: 72

Recently,Various large-scale sports events are held in turn,While the audience is satisfied with their eyesight,The "Made in China" products that can be seen everywhere on the field are even more eye-catching。

On the European Cup pitch,Live broadcast of LED product set and display screen set provided by a company in Shenzhen、Information display、HD slow motion playback and other functions in one,Create an immersive game viewing atmosphere for the audience,Winning orders and brand "double harvest" on the international stage。According to the person in charge of the company,In the first half of this year, the company’s overseas order shipment sales increased by more than 30%。

This is the continuous innovation and development of China’s industrial manufacturing、A microcosm of moving towards the high end of the value chain。

The National Bureau of Statistics recently released industrial enterprise profit data,January to July,The total profit achieved by industrial enterprises above designated size nationwide is 40991.700 million yuan,YoY growth 3.6%。

"July,With the steady advancement of high-quality development of the industrial economy,New momentum continues to grow and develop、Industrial production remains stable,Industrial enterprise profits continue to recover。" Yu Weining, a statistician from the Industrial Department of the National Bureau dafabet casino mobile appof Statistics, explained,Look at different industries,Among 41 major industrial categories,There are 21 industries whose profit growth rate has accelerated or the decline rate has narrowed compared with the previous month,The recovery rate exceeds 50%。July,Profits of industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 4% year-on-year.1%,The growth rate is 0 faster than that in June.5 percentage points,Accelerated for two consecutive months。

Wen Bin, chief economist of China Minsheng Bank said,In July, the profits of industrial enterprises above the standard achieved positive growth for four consecutive months,Benefiting from the increasing implementation of macroeconomic policy mix,High-quality development of industrial economy is steadily advancing,New momentum continues to grow and develop,Industrial production remains stable,Superimposed external demand remains resilient despite a slight decline,Industrial enterprise profits continue to recover。

High-tech manufacturing industry has high technical content、Characteristics of high added value and strong competitiveness。January-July,High-tech manufacturing profits increased by 12% year-on-year.8%,Significantly higher than the industrial average level 9.2 percentage points,Promote industrial profit growth 2.1 percentage point,Contributed nearly 60% to the profit growth of industrial enterprises above designated size,Obvious leadership role。

Yu Weining said,From an industry perspective,With the high-end manufacturing industry、Intelligent、The green process continues to advance,Profit growth in related industries is rapid,Among them,Lithium-ion battery manufacturing、Semiconductor device special equipment manufacturing、Profits from industries such as smart consumer equipment manufacturing increased by 45% year-on-year respectively.6%、16.0%、9.2%,Provide important dafabet casino mobile appimpetus to promote high-quality industrial development。

In addition,January-July,Profit of equipment manufacturing industry increased by 6% year-on-year.1%,Maintain steady growth,Provide important support for the recovery of industrial profits above designated size。From an industry perspective,6 out of 8 industries in the equipment manufacturing industry achieved growth,Including railway, ship, aerospace、Electronics and other industries are driven by rapid growth in production,Industry profits increased by 36% year-on-year respectively.9%、25.1%,Continued to maintain rapid growth since the beginning of the year。

At the same time,January-July,Consumer goods manufacturing profit increased by 10% year-on-year.2%,The growth rate is higher than the industrial average level 6.6 percentage points。“Domestic consumer demand has recovered steadily,Exports of superimposed industrial products continue to grow,Work together to promote double-digit growth in profits in the consumer goods manufacturing industry。"Yu Weining said。

Recently,Consumption and production fields usher in multiple policy “gift packages”。All regions are steadily promoting large-scale equipment updates and trade-in of consumer goods,The National Standing Committee held in July proposed to increase support for equipment updates and trade-in of consumer goods,Coordinate and arrange about 300 billion yuan of ultra-long-term special government bond funds,In August, the scope of support was expanded and the subsidy standards were raised...looking forward to the next stage,Wen Bin predicts that the profits of industrial companies are expected to continue to improve。He thinks,The macro-stimulus policies introduced by the state will contribute to the sustained recovery of profits of industrial dafabet online betting websiteenterprises,It may be transmitted upward to related production areas by boosting consumption。

"Overall view,The profits of industrial enterprises above designated size continue to recover steadily,But we must also see,Domestic consumer demand is still weak,The external environment is complex and changeable,The foundation for industrial enterprise efficiency recovery still needs to be consolidated。" Yu Weining said,Next stage,We must expand domestic demand more effectively,Taking targeted measures to smooth the economic cycle,Implement various reform arrangements,Further promote the development of new productive forces in the industrial field,Continuously strengthen the continued rebound of the industrial economy。

Source: People's Daily Online

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