Homepage> Technological innovation and quality>Increase investment in R&D to drive intelligent upgrading of new energy vehicles



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Article selector: Chu Chen   |   Release date:2024/9/4 12:41:00   |   Number of views: 86

In recent years,The new energy automobile industry is developing rapidly,Market share continues to increase。Data display recently released by the Passenger Car Market Information Joint Conference,July,Domestic new energy passenger vehicle market retail sales volume is 87.80,000 vehicles,36 year-on-year increase.9%,Penetration rate reached 51.1%,15 percentage points higher than the same period last year,Retail penetration rate exceeded 50% for the first time in a single month。

Introduction by Cui Dongshu, Secretary-General of the Passenger Transport Association,The monthly sales penetration rate of new energy passenger vehicles broke the 50% mark for the first time,Mainly due to my country’s increasingly perfect automobile manufacturing system,It also means that new energy vehicles have been recognized by more consumers。

Industry experts believe,Our country is in the field of "three electricity" (battery、Motor、Electronic control) industry development is in a leading position,Supported the electrification of my country’s automobile industry、Intelligence is at a high level。New energy vehicles want to consolidate and expand their development advantages in fierce competition,It still depends on the continuous innovation and progress of key technologies,This is inseparable from continuous investment in research and development。

Recently,Ji Krypton Intelligent Technology Holdings Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Ji Krypton") released unaudited quarterly financial results as of June 30 this year。Financial report dafabet casino mobile appdisplay,Since its establishment,Ji Krypton has invested more than 21.5 billion yuan in research and development,R&D investment in the second quarter 26.200 million yuan,An increase of nearly 90% year-on-year。August 13,Ji Krypton releases a new generation of evolutionary results,Full stack self-developed intelligent driver、Smart cockpit to smart driving technology,Achieved full-dimensional intergenerational leadership。

Supported by rapid growth in R&D,Ji Krypton’s revenue exceeded 20 billion yuan in the second quarter,58% year-on-year increase,36% month-on-month increase,A record high in a single quarter,Gross profit margin reaches 17.2%;Operating revenue in the first half of the year is nearly 35 billion yuan,A year-on-year increase of over 60%。

Institutional Analysis,Ji Krypton’s substantial growth in performance,Benefit from improving efficiency in business operations、Intelligent technology innovation、In-depth efforts in service system construction and global market expansion。

Data display,Second Quarter,Ji Krypton delivered a total of 54,811 vehicles,Double compared with the same period last year,66% month-on-month increase。Among them,Monthly delivery volume in June reached 20,106 vehicles。The growth in delivery volume drives the company’s performance improvement。The company’s revenue exceeded 20 billion yuan in the second quarter,Among them,Vehicle sales revenue exceeds 13.4 billion yuan,59% year-on-year increase,Mom-on-month growth of over 64%。

As understood,Currently, Ji Krypton brand has been released and listed, including 001、Four models including 007,The first family SUV Ji Krypton 7X is expected to be launched at the end of September,The five-seater full-scenario MIX will be launched in the fourth quarter,The product matrix will be expanded to six models。

The new energy automobile industry spans many fields、Multiple industries,Need to integrate multiple dafabet online sports betting apptransformative technologies,Especially entering the "second half" of new energy vehicles,Intelligent technology research and development is particularly important。With the continuous development and growth of the new energy automobile industry,Industry companies are constantly innovating and developing,Creating new productive forces with revolutionary breakthroughs in technology。

Take Ji Krypton as an example,In automotive intelligent technology innovation,High R&D investment brings intelligent drive、Multiple breakthroughs in smart cockpit to smart driving technology。

August 13,Ji Krypton releases the latest research and development results。In terms of intelligent driving,Full stack self-developed second-generation BRIC battery,Achieve maximum charging rate of 5.5C;In terms of smart cockpit,JiKrypton OS smart cockpit system has been officially upgraded to JKR AI OS,Eva upgraded to AI Eva,Have natural semantic recognition ability,More than 30 active intelligent services;In intelligent driving,Full stack self-developed vast intelligent driving enters 2.0 era,Start the end-to-end large model,Prioritize the end-to-end evolution of parking and intersection scenarios。Jikrypton 001 equipped with Mobileye smart driving solution will also be updated,Currently, the fingertip parking function has been fully rolled out,The opening cities of high-speed NZP have covered the areas where more than 97% of Ji Krypton users are located,The city NZP function is expected to be delivered in batches this year。

According to introduction,In terms of user service system,As of the end of July 2024,Ji Krypton has opened 438 stores around the world,Aggregation test drive、Sales、The number of Jikrypton stores offering one-stop services such as delivery and after-sales service has increased to 79;In terms of energy supplement services,As of July 31st,JiKrypton operates 1,202 self-built charging stations in 150 cities across the country、6508 charging piles,541 stations among them、2835 piles meet the 800V ultra-fast charging standard。

What is worthy of attention,In terms of global development,As of the end of July,Ji Krypton has entered the Netherlands、Sweden、Thailand、More than 30 major international markets including the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia。August 1,Jikrypton completed the delivery of the world’s first right-hand drive version of Jikrypton X in Thailand,And will be gradually extended to other right-hand drive markets。In addition,The right-hand drive version of Ji Krypton 009 will be delivered in batches in the fourth quarter of this year。It is reported,The company aims to further expand its business to Europe before the end of the year、Latin America、Oceania and other mainstream international markets。

Industry analysts believe,As my country’s automobile industry enters the “second half” of intelligence,High R&D accelerates automobiles and big data、Cloud computing、In-depth integration of new generation digital technologies such as artificial intelligence,It will open up a new path for the transformation and upgrading of the automobile industry,It will also become a key driving force for the development of new productive forces。

Source: People’s Daily Online

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