首page> Party Building News>East Ujimqin Banner comprehensively improves the level of party building work



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Article selector: Guo Hongli    |  Release date: 2019-08-08   |   Number of visits: 618    
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Ulias Taixun in recent years,Eastern Ujimqin Banner insists on taking the "Northern Xinjiang Pioneer" project as its leadership,Highlight the theme of “Heart-to-Heart Party Building”,Under preparation、Promote standards、education team、Build a position、Work hard on strong security,Comprehensively improve the level of party building work in non-public economic organizations and social organizations。

Around incubating party members、Goal of incubating party organizations and incubating party workers,Using the "double incubation" base of party organizations of individual and private economic organizations and the "double incubation" base of party organizations of social organizations as carriers,Through the “2+1” chain incubation model and “1+1” tracking support,Realizing entrepreneurial incubation、The mutual integration of social organization incubation and party organization incubation,Complete full dafabet casino mobile appcoverage of party work。As of now,A total of 4 party organizations were incubated、27 incubation party members。Insist on grabbing both ends and bringing the middle,Expand the increment of advanced branches,Improve the level of the central branch,Reorganize the backward branches,Do a good job in standardizing party branches、Standardized construction。Further optimize the party organization settings,Optimized 3 joint party branches whose party organizations cover more than 5 units,Create work ledger,Implement tracking dynamic management。

Implement a separate plan for developing party members for non-public enterprises and social organizations,Strictly implement the procedures for developing party members,Focus on managers、Develop Party members for technical backbones and front-line production workers。Insist on "three meetings and one lesson"、Theme Party Day、"Workshop Micro Party Class" and other systems are the starting point,Actively carry out inheritance of red genes、Special seminar study、Revisit the oath of joining the party、Participate in volunteer services and other activities,Strengthen regular education and training for party members。Complete party member files,Standardize party dues assessment、Collection and organizational relationship transfer work。

Take "belong dafabet online betting websiteto one party"、How to participate in the life of multi-party organizations,Effectively strengthen the education and management of mobile party members。Integrated with the "Hundreds and Thousand Projects" of autonomous region activity venues,According to the standard of "six to eight on the wall",With "clean environment、Complete facilities、Full-featured" as the goal,Further strengthen position construction,Help qualified non-public economic organizations and social organizations to establish independent activity venues。Currently,The party organizations of 17 non-public economic and social organizations across the flag have reached the "six haves" standard。

Combined with institutional reform,Optimize and adjust non-public working committee member units and personnel,Further give full play to the role of each member unit of the Party Working Committee and the three party building offices,Improving non-public committee meetings、Regular scheduling and other work systems,Implement the contact point system for party members leading cadres and party working committee members,Continuously improve work efficiency。Incorporate party building funds for non-public enterprises and social organizations into the fiscal budget,Pay close attention to the pre-tax expenditure of party building funds、Full refund of party fees paid、Implementation of policies such as targeted support for retained party dues。

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