首page> Party Building News>Xi Jinping tells a story: "Change a zipline and build a section of highway"



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Article selector: Guo Hongli    |  Release date: 2019-04-22   |   Number of visits: 741    
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 Want to be rich,Build the road first。There are no roads in the countryside,Difficulty of getting rich。“Four Good Rural Roads” was summed up and proposed by General Secretary Xi Jinping himself、An important livelihood project promoted by leaders、People’s Heart Project、Dezheng Project。

 New Year’s Eve 2014,Cadres and masses from Gongshan Dulong and Nu Autonomous County, Yunnan Province sent a letter to General Secretary Xi Jinping,Focus on the good news that the Gaoligong Mountain Dulongjiang Highway Dafabet reviewsTunnel is about to be completed。After receiving the letter,General Secretary Xi Jinping immediately issued important instructions,Congratulations to the folks of the Dulong ethnic group,Placing high expectations on helping the Dulong compatriots "live a well-off life together with other fraternal ethnic groups across the country" after the completion of the Dulongjiang Highway Tunnel。

 March 4 of the same year,General Secretary Xi Jinping gave instructions and emphasized in the report on rural highway development,Especially in some poor areas,Change a zipline、Building a section of road can open a door for the masses to get rid of poverty and become rich。

 ——Excerpted from "The Road to Let Farmers Get Rich and Be Well-off is Broader and Broader - A Record of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core caring about the development of rural roads since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China"

 (Xinhua dafabet online betting websiteNews Agency, Beijing, February 4, 2018)

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