Homepage> Market Development>Financial Observation: Agricultural goods “go to the city” and consumption “goes to the countryside” go in both directions



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Article selector: Chu Chen   |   Release date:2024/9/17 18:01:14   |   Number of views: 20

It’s the harvest season,The fields are very busy,High-quality agricultural and specialty products are continuously shipped to supermarkets in cities all over the country;Meanwhile,New energy vehicles、Green smart home appliances are entering farmyards one after another,City tourists go to the fields and countryside to experience "poetry and distance"。

Agricultural goods "enter the city",Consumption “going to the countryside”。This “two-way rush”,Reflecting the unlimited potential of the rural market。

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In recent years,Rapid development of rural live streaming e-commerce,Become a driver of rural industry development、An effective way to increase farmers’ income。

In Raohe County, Heilongjiang Province,Rural industries catch the e-commerce express。Live streaming e-commerce base created by the county,Collection selection、Yuncang、Incubation and other services in one,Provide all-round support for agricultural products to “go global”。2023,The base has introduced 136 upstream and downstream cooperative enterprises and e-commerce teams,E-commerce sales of agricultural and forestry products in the county reached 10.3.4 billion yuan。

Based on business big data monitoring,Last year, nationwide rural online retail sales reached 2.5 trillion yuan,12 year-on-year increase.9%,Nearly 13 times more than in 2014;National online retail sales of agricultural products reached 5870.300 million yuan,12 year-on-year increase.5%。

One network cable、A mobile phone,Live streaming e-commerce brings good things from the fields out of the village and into the city。Meanwhile,Through cross-border e-commerce,Agricultural products are accelerating to go abroad、Sold overseas。

“Cross-border e-commerce platform has become a new channel for ‘Jingning Apple’ to open up overseas markets,Some big customers were converted from the platform。" said Xie Liling, foreign trade manager of Longyuan Red Fruit Distribution Co., Ltd., Jingning County, Gansu Province。

 First half of this year,Gansu agricultural products are exported through cross-border e-commerce model 8436.20,000 yuan,YoY growth 2.1x;Apple、Garlic、More than 40 kinds of agricultural products including walnuts,Selling to Southeast Asia with the help of cross-border e-commerce platform、Central Asia、North America and other regions。

  Express delivery to villages—improving rural logistics network,Smooth urban and rural economic circulation。

Currently,About 400 million express packages are collected every day in our country,More than 100 million of them are flowing in rural areas。

Express delivery to villages is an important part of smoothing the urban and rural economic cycle。Proposed in the "Three-Year County Business Three-Year Action Plan (2023-2025)" issued by the Ministry of Commerce and other 9 departments last year,Accelerate the completion of shortcomings in rural commercial facilities,Improving the county and rural logistics distribution system。Recently,The State Post Bureau held an on-site meeting on the construction of the national rural delivery logistics system and the work of express delivery into villages in Lanzhou, Gansu,Further clarify the goals and tasks,In-depth promotion of express delivery into villages。

Under the guidance of policies,Relevant implementation plans have also been introduced in various places,Focus on smoothing the flow of agricultural products out of the village and dafabet online sports betting appinto the city、Channels for consumer goods to be delivered to rural areas and into villages。

In Guangdong,On average, more than 15 million express packages circulate in rural areas every day,The province will use another 5 million yuan of special funds this year,Build or renovate county-level mail express processing centers and township express outlets;Proposed by Hebei,Promote consumer goods、Two-way distribution of agricultural supplies to the countryside and agricultural products to the city;Proposed by Heilongjiang,Continuously improve the construction and service network of the three-level rural logistics system in counties and villages...

Data display,As of the end of July,A total of 1,990 county-level public delivery and distribution centers have been built across the country,5.30,000 township express outlets,33.780,000 village-level delivery logistics comprehensive service stations,Covering more than 95% of rural areas。

  Consumption in the countryside—policy combination,Accelerate the release of new potential in the rural market。

"Trade in the old for the new,Turn on the air conditioner at home、refrigerator、The washing machine has been replaced,Saved more than 2,000 in total。”Recently,Mr. Wang, who lives in rural Hebei Province, told reporters,Besides the affordable price,Now we pay more attention to green、Smart and stylish。

January to July this year,Retail sales of rural consumer goods reached 3.65 trillion yuan,YoY growth 4.5%,Growth faster than urban retail sales of consumer goods1.1 percentage point。

In new energy vehicles、Smart home appliances and other products going to the countryside,And driven by the old-for-new policy,The potential of the rural consumer market continues to be released,Upgraded products represented by green smart home appliances have become a new growth point for consumption。

In Meishan, Sichuan,In one of the largest home appliance storage warehouses dafabet live casinoin the area,60% of sales orders in the first half of the year came from rural areas,Covering 27 surrounding districts and counties。

While effectively releasing rural consumption potential,All regions are also continuing to create new rural consumption scenarios。

 June this year,The National Development and Reform Commission and other departments issued the "Measures on Creating New Consumption Scenarios and Cultivating New Growth Points of Consumption" proposed,Implementing quality leisure agriculture projects;Creating a series of activity brands for “Visiting and Shopping in the Countryside”;Cultivate a group of rural-level tourist B&Bs;Encourage and guide the development of rural events such as "Village BA", "Village Super", "Village Platoon" and "Village Run"。

In Yixian County, Anhui,Teenagers have become the main force in summer rural tourism,Spawned the “sketch economy” and “study economy”;In Rongjiang County, Guizhou,The huge “traffic” of “Village Supermarket”,Promote the development of cultural tourism-related industries、Consumption growth... look at the whole country,Rural Tourism and Culture、Education、Sports、New consumption scenarios integrating health and wellness are constantly emerging,Promoting rural consumption and accelerating the release of rural market potential。

Source: People's Daily Online

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