首page> News>The economy of Hohhot was running smoothly in the first half of the year



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Article selector: Liu Jia    |  Release date: 2024-07-25   |   Number of visits: 481    
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First half of the year,Hohhot City is focusing on adjusting its structure、Excellent Industry、Promote consumption、Concentrate efforts to protect people’s livelihood,The city’s economic operation is generally stable。The city’s GDP is 1869.200 million yuan,Calculated at constant price,YoY growth of 6.2%。

Agricultural and animal husbandry production is healthy and stable,Main economic indicators maintain stable growth。The city’s total output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery increased by 4% year-on-year.5%。According to agricultural statistics,Grain sowing completed the assigned task,The city’s grain sown area in 2024 is 565.10,000 acres,Complete the grain sowing tasks assigned by the autonomous region;The supply capacity of livestock products continues to increase,Beef cattle、Mutton、The sales of pigs and other livestock increased by 10% year-on-year,The output of four kinds of meat (pork, beef, sheep and poultry) increased by 9% year-on-year.1%;Poultry egg production increased by 5.4%;Milk production increased by 11.6%,The production and supply capacity of major livestock products continues to increase。Statistics display,Double increase in vegetable area production,The sowing area of ​​vegetables and edible fungi in the city is 20.90,000 acres,dafabet online sports betting app82 year-on-year increase.4%;Output achieved 7.80,000 tons,26 year-on-year increase.2%。

The industrial economy is improving steadily。The added value of the city’s industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 9% year-on-year.5%,Three categories work together。Mining Industry,Manufacturing,Electricity、Heat、The added value of gas and water production and supply industries increased by 20% year-on-year respectively.5%、5.4% and 23.4%。Major contributions to key industries。Among the 28 major industrial categories in statistics,19 industries have achieved positive growth in added value,Industry growth is nearly 70%。Among them,Food Manufacturing,Oil、Coal and other fuel processing industry,Electricity、The added value of the three key industries including heat production and supply increased by 13% year-on-year respectively.0%、15.7% and 19.6%,The total contribution rate to the city’s designated industrial added value reached 90%.8%。The output of major industrial products increased steadily。57 of the 77 products in the city's above-scale industries.1% achieves positive growth。

Service industry revenue scale、Double increase in total profit。January to May,The operating income of ten industry categories increased by 7 and decreased by 3,Forty percent of industries achieved double-digit growth。Among them,Transportation、Warehouse and postal industry,Scientific research and technical services industry,Education increased by 14 year-on-year.0%、21.0% and 19.2%。Enterprise efficiency is steadily improving。318 for-profit service industries above designated size achieved operating income of 103.600 million yuan,11 year-on-year dafabet live casinoincrease.6%,Realized profit 9.300 million yuan,YoY growth 2.700 million yuan。

Fixed asset investment grew rapidly,Accumulating momentum to support long-term economic stability and improvement。The city’s fixed asset investment increased by 14% year-on-year.9%。Remarkable role in supporting major projects,The proportion of completed investment in projects over 1 billion yuan in the city to the total investment is 56.7%,Among them,The proportion of the monthly investment increase in projects over 1 billion yuan in June to the total investment increase in the month was 56.8%,Significant role in supporting investment in the city。Private investment steadily increases,Private investment accounts for 34% of total investment.9%,17 year-on-year increase.1%,Promote all investment growth 5.9 percentage points。Among them,Private real estate industry accounts for 61% of all private investment.6%,Year-on-year growth of 25.8%,Promote private investment growth14.8 percentage points,Is the main driving factor for the growth of private investment。The purchase cost of equipment and tools has stabilized and rebounded,In the city’s investment projects, investment in equipment and tools accounts for 16% of the total investment.6%,9 year-on-year growth.9%,Promote the growth of all investments1.7 percentage points。

The consumer market is running smoothly。Total retail sales of consumer goods in the city 560.100 million yuan,YoY growth 3.4%。New energy vehicles have become an important engine,Retail sales 22.0 billion yuan,26 year-on-year increase.1%。Basic living consumption is growing rapidly。Retailers in the city are operating in a stable and orderly manner,Grain, oil and dafabet online betting websitefood、Beverages、Retail sales of daily necessities and other basic life categories increased by 32% respectively.6%、40.5%、71.6%。Upgrading consumption is on the rise。Sports and entertainment supplies for units above designated size in the city、Communication equipment、Retail sales of wearable smart device products increased by 152% year-on-year respectively.6%、207.5%、170.7%,Showing a good growth trend。

Source: Hohhot Municipal People’s Government Office

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