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Article selector: Liu Jia    |  Release date: 2024-07-17   |   Number of visits: 572    
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Energy is an important material foundation and driving force for the development of the national economy。Under the guidance of the "double carbon" goal,Hohhot City is focusing on building an important national energy and strategic resource base,Make full use of many manufacturing industry projects、The advantage of large new load,Realize the replacement of new electricity loads with green electricity,Create "source、NET、Holland、A highly integrated green power consumption demonstration base for "storage"。

July 12,The reporter saw it at the site of the Mengxi Toketuo 2 million kilowatt new energy delivery project located in Yangqungou Township, Horinger County,A series of pure white fans stand tall,The blades whirled in the wind,Photovoltaic panels lying on the mountain,Quietly absorbing the sunshine,The scene is spectacular。

"Attention, attention,There is a slight deviation in the data of Y8 fan,Hurry up and conduct data comparison and in-depth analysis,Find out the problem。”Lu Jianlin, director of the Operation and Maintenance Center of Datang International Tuoketuo New Energy Project Division, who is responsible for project production and operation, always pays attention to the temperature and operating status of the equipment,After issuing this emergency order,He quickly led the team to carefully check the lines、Testing key components,Don’t miss any details,Finally it was discovered that a sensor was loose。After everyone works together to tighten the sensor,The fan starts to rotate dafabet online sports betting appnormally again,Lu Jianlin breathed a sigh of relief: "Our daily job is to ensure the smooth operation of these fans,Generate as much green electricity as possible。”

As understood,The Mengxi Tuoketuo 2 million kilowatt new energy external transmission project is the first multi-energy complementary project in China that uses existing thermal power channels to bundle new energy externally,Including 1.7 million kilowatts of wind power and 300,000 kilowatts of photovoltaic power,Selected Chive Village, Qingshuihe County, Hohhot City、Chengguan Town,Yangqungou, Horinger County、Heilaoyao as the project site,Simultaneous construction of four 220 kV booster stations,Connected to the 220 kV booster station of Tuoketuo Power Plant via a 220 kV line,There are four 500 kV lines passing through Tuoketuo Power Plant,Collect the green electricity generated by wind and solar projects into Datang Power’s existing power delivery channels,Send to Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan Power Grid,Achieved zero new investment in transmission lines for new energy projects,Improved utilization of original power transmission channels。As of the end of June this year,The power generation of this project has exceeded 600 million kilowatt hours。Currently,This project has been connected to the grid with 1.6 million kilowatts。

Jinshan Power Plant Phase II、Tianneng Heavy Industry、Datang Qingshuihe Wanjiazhai and other projects were completed and put into operation,Tuoqing Economic Development Zone Green Power Supply Project、The first phase of Huadian high-end equipment manufacturing base construction has started,The 250,000-kilowatt flexibility transformation project of Hohhot Thermal Power Plant has been connected to the grid...2023,The capital’s clean energy industry cluster is setting a new example and leading a new path,Take the lead in promoting the construction of energy resources headquarters base and green electricity consumption and utilization demonstration area in the region,Be the first to achieve zero breakthrough dafabet casino mobile appin “green certificate” transactions;Accelerate the construction of Capital Energy Headquarters Base,Take the lead in establishing the “1+2+N” new energy industry chain ecological alliance,Shanghai Jiao Tong University Inner Mongolia Research Institute、Sinopec New Energy Northern Research Center、Innovation carriers such as Inner Mongolia Qingcheng New Energy Research Institute gather and develop。

Doing a good job in power safety production is a concrete manifestation of the new energy security strategy。Since this year,The capital’s energy industry safety supervision department firmly establishes a new safety development concept,In accordance with the three-year action plan to address the root cause of production safety in the energy and power system,Conducted 12 safety inspections in the energy industry,A total of 211 hidden dangers found,171 rectifications。

April 3, 2024,The Energy Bureau of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region issued the "Opinions on the Implementation Plan of Hohhot City to Promote High-quality Development of the Energy Industry and Create a Green Electricity Consumption Demonstration Base Project",Agree that Hohhot City will launch the green electricity consumption demonstration base project,And gradually implement new energy power supply matching according to the green power needs of specific industrial projects,Help the capital attract investment into the “Green Energy Era”。

"As the first batch of plans in the region、The first batch of green electricity consumption demonstration base projects,After project implementation,Will effectively improve the energy structure of Hohhot City,Achieving large-scale local consumption of clean and green electricity and green and low-carbon development of the whole society,Promote technological innovation in the field of new energy and intensive and economical use of land resources,Can maximize the carrying capacity of new energy on the limited land in Hohhot City,Be intensive、Efficient。”According to Yao Baolu, a fourth-level researcher of Hohhot Development and Reform Commission,dafabet online sports betting appProject Planning Wind Power、The average annual photovoltaic power generation is about 193.5.2 billion kilowatt hours,Compared with thermal power plants with the same power generation,Can save about 583 standard coal every year.450,000 tons,Correspondingly, various harmful gas emissions caused by coal burning can be reduced every year,3618 tons of sulfur dioxide,3773 tons of nitrogen oxides,735 tons of smoke,Reduce carbon dioxide emissions 1621.670,000 tons,Equivalent to planting 8.900 million trees。

Currently,To speed up the implementation of the green electricity consumption demonstration base project,Hohhot City is accelerating the preparation of sub-plans,In-depth promotion of the "Mutual Assistance between Alliances and Municipalities" work on major projects,Accelerate the construction of power grid projects,Carry out relevant policy interpretation,Promote "chain-chain cooperation" among members of the industrial chain ecological alliance,Vigorously promote the coupled development of new energy industry。

Source: Hohhot Daily

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