首page> Announcement Notice>Notice on carrying out the cultivation and storage of leading science and technology enterprises in Hohhot in 2024



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Article selector: Liu Jia    |  Release date: 2024-04-26   |   Number of visits: 949    
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All banners, counties and districts、Economic and Technological Development Zone、Helinger New District、Jinshan High-tech Zone Science and Technology Management Department,Relevant units:

In order to deeply implement the innovation-driven development strategy,Further promote the expansion of technology-based enterprises、Be excellent、Become stronger,Accelerate the cultivation of leading technology companies,Strengthening the dominant position of enterprises in dafabet casino mobile appscientific and technological innovation,Leverage the leading and supporting role of leading technology companies,According to the "Action Plan for Cultivation of Leading Science and Technology Enterprises in Hohhot" (Hukezi [2023] No. 16) and work practices,We are hereby notifying you of the following matters regarding the organization and implementation of the 2024 Hohhot City leading science and technology enterprise cultivation and storage work。

 1. Application conditions

  1.Established in accordance with the law within Hohhot City,Have independent legal personality,High-tech enterprise within the validity period;

  2.The company’s operating income last year reached more than 200 million yuan (inclusive);

  3.The total research and development expenses of the previous year accounted for more than 3% of the total sales revenue of the same period;

  4.Have core independent intellectual property rights,And has the ability to continuously create intellectual property and transform results;

  5.Have a stable high-level dafabet casino mobile appscientific and technological talent team and R&D platform;

  6.No major quality and safety accidents or serious environmental violations occurred in the previous year and the current year,No records of scientific research dishonesty during the disciplinary execution period and no records on the “Abnormal Business Directory” of credit in related social fields。

 2. Warehousing procedure

(1) Enterprise application。Enterprise fills in the warehousing application form (see attachment 1),Sign and stamp the application materials and submit them in duplicate to the relevant banner county and district science and technology management department。

(2) Preliminary review recommendation。All banners, counties and districts、Economic and Technological Development Zone、Helinger New District、The science and technology management department of Jinshan High-tech Zone will review the application materials of enterprises in the region,Make recommendations,Form a recommendation summary table (Attachment 2),Submit to the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau with official documents。

(3) Review argument。The Municipal Science and Technology Bureau organizes experts or entrusts third-party service agencies to review the application materials or conduct on-site verification,Propose a list of recommended companies to be included in the city’s leading science and technology enterprise cultivation database (hereinafter referred to as “enterprises”)。

(4) Public announcement and storage。After the list of suggestions is reviewed and approved by the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau,Published on the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau website for 5 working days。After public announcement that there is no objection,Release the list of leading technology companies in Hohhot。

  3. Application materials

  1.Application form for cultivating leading dafabet casino mobile appscientific and technological enterprises in Hohhot (see attachment 1);

  2.Statistical report of main business income of the enterprise in the past two years (excluding the year of declaration) (gross industrial output value table),Statistical report of enterprise R&D activities in the previous year。Enterprises registered less than 2 years ago must provide statistical dafabet casino mobile appstatements since their establishment (copies of the above materials must be submitted),With the official seal of the unit);

  3.Summary table and authorization certificate of valid independent intellectual property rights obtained by the enterprise,Enterprise technological innovation related documents、Certificate (submit copies of the above materials,With the official seal of the unit)。

 4. Other matters

  1.Enterprises should be truthful、Completely fill in the information,And is responsible for the authenticity and legality of the materials provided,If you fill in a false report to get policy support,Relevant responsibilities will be investigated in accordance with laws and regulations。

  2.Each centralized science and technology management department must carefully organize the storage of leading science and technology enterprises in its jurisdiction,And review the company’s application materials。

  3.Please submit recommended documents to each centralized science and technology management department、One hard copy of the recommended enterprise summary form and enterprise application materials must be submitted to the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau before May 31,Send the electronic version to hskjjgxk@163.com。

  5. Contact Information

  (1) Business consultation

Municipal Science and Technology Bureau High-Tech Section Yun Lijun Shen Limiao 0471-6373683

  (2) Contact persons and telephone numbers of science and technology departments in each banner, county and district

Tuzuo Banner Bureau of Industry, Information and Science and Technology Bai Zhijie 13384715524

Tuoketuo County Industry, Information and Technology Bureau Du Hanxiong 13654887797

Helin County Science and Technology Bureau Liu Xiaoxia 15148095624

Qingshuihe County Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Science and Technology Bureau Li Yongbin 18686001241

Wuchuan County Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Science and Technology Bureau Zhang Yongping 13514816834

Xincheng District Science and Technology Bureau Wang Shengli 0471-3692707

Huimin District Science and Technology Bureau Yang Yixuan 18547168181

Yuquan District Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Science and Technology Bureau Liu Xinyu 0471-6321167

Saihan District Science and Technology Bureau Li Junfeng 0471-4211916

Jinshan High-tech Zone Zhang Yuhua 13948810911

Economic and Technological Development Zone Wang Yan 0471-8127853

Horinger New District Liang Ying 15248156961

Comprehensive Bonded Area Liu Yanan 18247126170


1. Hohhot Science and Technology Leading Enterprise Cultivation Application Form

2. Summary table of recommendations for leading technology companies in Hohhot

Hohhot Science and Technology Bureau

April 25, 2024

Source: Hohhot Science and Technology Bureau

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