首page> Platform News>Declaration of innovative small and medium-sized enterprises、Specialized, Special and New, FAQs for Small and Medium Enterprises



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Article selector: Liu Jia    |  Release date: 2024-03-06   |   Number of visits: 1055    
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Innovative small and medium-sized enterprises in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in 2024、The application process for specialized and new small and medium-sized enterprises has now begun,The autonomous region’s small and medium-sized enterprise public service platform sorted out common problems in the enterprise declaration process,Please check。

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According to the requirements of the "Implementation Rules for the Gradient Cultivation and Management of High-Quality Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (2022-2025)",Participated in the evaluation and recognition of high-quality small and medium-sized enterprises in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,Should be registered in the district,Have independent legal personality,Industrial enterprises that comply with the "Small and Medium Enterprise Classification Standards" and whose leading products are software enterprises that provide industrial software for industrial enterprises。

 2. How to declare?

Enterprises follow the declaration notice and guidelines,On the basis of meeting the declaration conditions and on a voluntary basis,Deadline according to reporting requirements,Prepare paper application materials,In local industry and information technology、After approval and seal by the financial department,The declaration platform opens permissions for enterprises,Enterprises log in to the Welink system to upload electronic application materials。

  3. When is the deadline for declaration?

In 2024, the autonomous region requires all league cities to submit applications before March 31st。Considering the organization of each league city (county)、It takes time to compile enterprise declaration materials,The local industry and information technology department will require enterprises to further advance the declaration deadline,So you must pay attention to the requirements of the local industry and information technology department,Otherwise, the declaration time will be missed。

  4.How does an enterprise determine whether the applying enterprise meets the small and medium-sized enterprise classification?

Log in to the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Small and Medium Enterprises Public Service Platform "Enterprise Size Type dafabet online sports betting appSelf-Assessment" for evaluation or make your own judgment based on the document "Small and Medium Enterprises Classification Standards (Industry and Information Technology Ministry Lian Enterprise [2011] No. 300)"。

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  5.The so-called "no major security incidents (including network security) have occurred in the past three years"、Data Security)、Quality、How to define "environmental pollution and other accidents and tax evasion and other illegal activities"?

Refers to product safety、Production Safety、Project Quality and Safety、Environmental Protection、Network security and other regulatory authorities at all levels,In accordance with the "Production Safety Law of the People's Republic of China", "Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China", "Regulations on Reporting, Investigation and Handling of Production Safety Accidents", "Network Security Law of the People's Republic of China", "Data Security Law of the People's Republic of China" and other laws and regulations,Supreme People's Court、Judicial Interpretation of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate,Judgment opinions issued by departmental regulations and local regulations。

 6.What does “equity financing” mean?

The so-called equity financing refers to the company’s shareholders diluting part of the company’s equity to investors,Introduce new shareholders by increasing capital and expanding shares (the transfer of equity shall not exceed 30%),How to obtain company financing。

  7. Do all supporting materials need to be stamped?

It is recommended that all homemade materials be stamped with the official seal,Copy with official seal。

  8.If you are eligible for direct access, you need to submit other supporting materials?

Required,Provide information beyond the through train conditions,You also need to provide supporting evidence in accordance with the policy report。

  9. If the review is passed, can I check it online?

Okay。After passing the review, it will be announced on the website of the Department of Industry and Information Technology of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region。

  10. Is it necessary to provide three-year audit reports for declaration?

If there is no special description of the deadline in the indicator,Generally use the company’s annual data for the past year,Specific definition: refers to the last complete fiscal year of the enterprise,Based on the closing number of the company’s audit report of the previous year。For enterprises with subsidiaries or parent companies,Follow the relevant provisions of the "Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises" issued by the Ministry of Finance。

  11.If it is not an innovative small and medium-sized enterprise, can it directly participate in the certification of specialized, special and innovative small and medium-sized enterprises??

No,Follow the gradient management principle,Must declare innovative small and medium-sized enterprises first,After being recognized as an innovative small and medium-sized enterprise,Re-apply for specialized, new, small and medium-sized enterprises。

 12. How to identify leading products?

Leading products refer to the company’s core technology that plays an important role in the product,And the sum of product revenue accounts for more than 50% of the company’s operating revenue in the same period。

 13. What does it mean for a company to have its own brand?

Refers to the main business products or services with independent intellectual property rights,And meet one of the following conditions: (1) The product or service brand has been officially registered by the Trademark Office of the State Intellectual Property Office。(2) The product or service has achieved revenue。

  14.The system is filling in the form,Write the year or number of years you have been engaged in this product field?

Fill in the number of years as required.

  15.About declaration attachments,What to do if the audit report is too big?What to do if R&D expenses are not audited?

It is recommended to use compression,It’s really not possible,Can delete notes,Keep text、三表和研发费信息page。If the financial audit report discloses R&D expenses, there is no need to make a special audit report, If R&D expenses are not disclosed in the audit report, they can be replaced by other audit reports of the company that include R&D expenses。

  16.About intellectual property rights,What are the requirements for Class I and Class II patents?

The so-called “Class I intellectual property rights” include invention patents (including national defense patents)、New plant varieties、National crop varieties、National New Drug、National first-level protected traditional Chinese medicine variety、Exclusive rights to integrated circuit layout design (excluding transfer of intellectual property rights less than 1 year old)。

The so-called "high-value intellectual property rights" must meet one of the following conditions: (1) An invention patent with the same patent family overseas or other Class I intellectual property rights that generate income overseas,The patent is limited to G20 members、Invention patents authorized by Singapore and the European Patent Office after substantive examination。(2) Class I intellectual property rights maintained for more than 10 years。(3) Class I intellectual property rights that achieve higher pledge financing amounts。(4) Class I intellectual property rights that have won the National Science and Technology Award or the China Patent Award。

The so-called “И intellectual property rights” include software copyrights related dafabet online betting websiteto leading products (excluding trademarks)、Utility model patents or design patents maintained for more than 2 years after authorization (excluding intellectual property rights transferred for less than 1 year)

  17.The so-called “leading products occupy more than 10% of the national market segments,And enjoy high visibility and influence" How to identify?

It can be supported by self-certification of the enterprise or other means.

  18.What are provincial science and technology awards and international science and technology awards?

Provincial science and technology awards include all provinces、Autonomous Region、The first, second and third prizes of the Municipal Science and Technology Award;National science and technology awards include the National Science and Technology Progress Award、National Natural Science Award、National Technology Invention Award,and National Defense Science and Technology Award。

  19.Do the "above" and "below" required in the application guide include this number?

Unless otherwise stated,The so-called "above" and "below" include the original number,The so-called “exceed” does not include the original number。When calculating the average metric score,If the indicator value is located on the boundary of two scoring intervals,Calculate score based on high score。

  20.Can group companies use consolidated financial data when reporting?

Okay,All data in the declaration can be filled in as a consolidated report。

  21.Can the number of social security payers be merged with branches and subsidiaries in other provinces and cities?

No,Must be the social security payment certificate of the reporting subject in this province and city。

  22.Does supporting material need to be provided for all the data filled in the declaration??

Yes。All materials must provide evidence,It is best to create directories in order,For the production method, please refer to the "Guidelines for Filling in the Specialty and New Application System"。

 23. Some index calculation formulas:

The average growth rate of main business income in the past two years = (the growth rate of the company’s main business income in the previous year + the growth rate of the company’s main business income in the previous year)/2

The company's main business income growth rate in the previous year = (the company's total main business income in the previous year - the company's total main business income in the previous year)/the company's total main business income in the previous year * 100%。The calculation method for the growth rate of main business income in other years is the same as that。

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