首page> Policies and regulations >The General Office of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the General Office of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission regarding the launch of the first batch of key new materials in 2018



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 Release date: 2019-01-02   |   Number of visits: 459    |  Source: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology  


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Original letter from the Department of Industry and Information Technology [2018] No. 423

Provinces、Autonomous Region、Industrial and information technology departments of municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities under separate state planning、Insurance regulatory agency,Related central enterprises:

In accordance with the "Notice on Carrying out the Pilot Work on the Insurance Compensation Mechanism for the First Batch Dafabet reviewsapplication of key new Materials" (Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Lianyuan [2017] No. 222,hereinafter referred to as the "Notice") requirements,To further organize the pilot work of the insurance compensation mechanism for the first batch of application of key new materials in 2018,The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

一、Production of new material products included in the "Guidance Catalog for the First Batch Application Demonstration of Key New Materials (2017 Edition)",And apply for the first batch of comprehensive insurance for key new materials from December 1, 2017 to December 25, 2018,Or produce new material products included in the "Guidance Catalog for the First Batch Application Demonstration of Key New Materials (2018 Edition)",Enterprises that have purchased the first batch of comprehensive insurance for key new materials from December 26, 2018 to January 25, 2019,Comply with the relevant requirements of the "Notice" regarding the first batch of batches,You can apply for premium subsidy。

 二、Projects that have received insurance subsidy funds in 2017,In principle, no application for renewal premium subsidy is allowed。Materials used for the first set of equipment that has enjoyed the insurance compensation policy are not supported by this policy。

三、Eligible companies,Please submit premium subsidy application materials to the provincial industry and information technology authorities and affiliated central enterprises before January 25, 2019 (see attachment 1 for specific requirements)。After the provincial industry and information technology authorities or central dafabet online betting websiteenterprises conduct preliminary review of the application materials,Please submit your preliminary review opinions before February 15, 2019、Summary of application materials in this region (paper version in triplicate,Attached electronic version,See Attachment 2) Submit to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (Department of Raw Materials Industry)。

Four、Premium subsidy funds are arranged in the form of post-subsidy。The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, together with relevant departments, entrusts the National New Materials Industry Development Expert Advisory Committee to evaluate enterprise application materials,Propose a list of proposed subsidy projects。After the insurance contract expires,Purchase and use quantity based on new materials、Calculate premium subsidy amount based on insurance contract execution status, etc.,Allocate premium subsidy funds in accordance with budget management regulations。

 五、Provincial-level industry and information technology departments must work with insurance regulatory agencies at the same level to effectively organize, coordinate, publicize and interpret work,Promptly track and supervise the implementation effects of the pilot work。Relevant departments will organize third-party agencies to conduct spot checks on dafabet online sports betting appthe pilot work,Ensure effective use of fiscal funds。For companies and insurance companies that engage in insurance fraud and subsidy fraud,To recover financial subsidy funds,And expose it。

Contact information:

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (Raw Materials Industry Department) Wei Libing 010-68205591

Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission (Property Insurance Supervision Department) Wang Wenjing 010-66286521


  Relevant material requirements for the first batch of premium subsidy funds for new materials in 2018.docx

   Summary of insurance compensation application materials for the first batch of key new materials in 2018.doc


General Office of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, General Office of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission

December 26, 2018