Homepage> Technological innovation and quality>The person in charge of the Social Organization Management Bureau of the Ministry of Civil Affairs answers reporters’ questions on the special action of “I reduce the burden on enterprises”



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Article selection staff: Liu Lei   |   Release date:2021/3/3 10:18:37   |   Number of views: 21321

 Days ago,The Ministry of Civil Affairs issued the "Notice on Organizing and Carrying out the Special Action "I Reduce Burdens for Enterprises" in the Field of Industry Associations and Chambers of Commerce" (hereinafter referred to as the "Special Action "Notice"),Deploy civil affairs departments at all levels to organize and carry out the "five batches" special actions,Further reduce the scale of enterprise-related charges by industry associations and chambers of commerce,Regulate enterprise-related charging behavior of industry associations and chambers of commerce,To reduce the burden on enterprises、Optimizing the business environment、Continuously contribute to maintaining economic development and social stability。The person in charge of the Social Organization Management Bureau of the Ministry of Civil Affairs answered reporters’ questions on the launch of special operations。

 一、Please introduce the main background and considerations of organizing this special operation?

Answer: Implementing larger-scale tax and fee reductions is a major decision and deployment made by the Party Central Committee。General Secretary Xi Jinping has given important instructions and instructions on this many times,And emphasized that “tax reduction and fee reduction” must be implemented in real terms、Head-on confrontation,Let enterprises and the people have a real sense of gain。Premier Li Keqiang and Han Zheng、Wang Yong、Xiao Jie and other leading comrades of the State Council have repeatedly issued instructions on regulating the fees of industry associations and chambers of commerce、Make a request。In recent years,All localities and departments conscientiously implement the Party Central Committee、Decision-making and deployment of the State Council,Continue to increase efforts to clean up and standardize enterprise-related charges by industry associations and chambers of commerce,Further standardize various charging behaviors of industry associations and chambers of commerce,Achieve positive results。However, some industry associations and chambers of commerce charge illegally、Duplicate charges、High and excessive charges、The problem of arbitrary fees such as compulsory fees relying on administrative power and administrative functions is still prominent,There is an urgent need to pay high attention and continue to strengthen norms and governance。For this,In accordance with the relevant work arrangements of the State Council Executive Meeting on resolutely curbing "arbitrary charging" and the "Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Further Standardizing the Charges of Industry Associations and Chambers of Commerce" (Guobanfa [2020] No. 21,hereinafter referred to as the "Notice" of the General Office of the State Council) requirements,In conjunction with the Ministry of Civil Affairs’ arrangements for carrying out activities related Dafabet reviewsto “I do practical things for the masses”,After careful research,The Ministry of Civil Affairs decided to organize a special campaign of “I reduce the burden on enterprises” in the field of industry associations and chambers of commerce,Aims to further reduce the scale of enterprise-related charges by industry associations and chambers of commerce,Regulate enterprise-related charging behavior of industry associations and chambers of commerce,Enhancing the ability of industry associations and chambers of commerce to serve enterprises,Promote industry associations and chambers of commerce to strengthen their awareness of diligence and frugality in holding conferences,Promote hard work、Excellent style of hard work,To continue to reduce the burden on enterprises、Optimizing the business environment、Continuously contribute to maintaining economic development and social stability。

 二、Please introduce the main contents and tasks of the special action?

Answer: This special operation will be carried out from March to October this year,The main task is to achieve "five batches":

First, reduce or reduce a batch of fees。Guide and encourage industry associations and chambers of commerce to fully consider their own actual work and development needs,Proactively reduce or exempt membership dues and other charges for some member companies that are in operating difficulties, especially private small, medium and micro enterprises that are struggling to survive due to the epidemic,Further reduce the burden on enterprises、Stimulate the vitality of market entities。

The second is to reduce a batch of charges。Guide industry associations and chambers of commerce to consider the operating conditions of member companies as a whole、Ability to bear、Based on industry development level and other factors,Further strengthen the awareness of diligence and frugality in holding meetings,Do your best to reduce your own expenses and costs,Proactively lower the charging standards for a group of charging items with a large surplus,Prevent excessive charges。

The third is to standardize a batch of charges。Increase supervision and inspection on the standards and procedures for collecting dues from industry associations and chambers of commerce,Cooperate with relevant departments to continue to promote industry associations and chambers of commerce to reasonably set operating service charging standards,Adjust and standardize a batch of charging items,Further improve the standardization and transparency of fees charged by industry associations and chambers of commerce。

The fourth is to investigate and deal with a batch of charges。Work with and cooperate with market supervision and other departments,Further open channels for complaints and reports on “arbitrary charges” by industry associations and chambers of commerce,Establish a feedback mechanism for handling complaints and reports,Intensify inspections on fees charged by industry associations and chambers of commerce,Centralize investigation and punishment of illegal and illegal charging behavior by a group of industry associations and chambers of commerce,Always maintain a high-pressure stance against "arbitrary charges" by industry associations and chambers of commerce。

The fifth is to notify a batch of charges。The notice commends a group of advanced models in recent years, especially since the outbreak of the new coronavirus, that have significantly reduced enterprise-related charges and reduced the burden on enterprises,A group of people reacted strongly to the public exposure、A negative example of charging illegal fees and increasing the burden on enterprises,Create a good social atmosphere and working environment for the implementation of special actions。

Three、How do various localities organize and implement special actions?

Answer: To ensure that special Dafabet reviewsactions achieve effective results,All localities must implement the following work requirements:

The first is to improve ideological understanding。Civil affairs departments in various places should carry out this special operation as a way to enhance the "four consciousnesses"、Strong “Four Confidences”、A concrete embodiment of "two maintenances",As an in-depth implementation of the Party Central Committee、The State Council’s major decisions and arrangements on tax reduction and fee reduction and the important measures required by the “Notice” of the General Office of the State Council,Further improve ideological understanding,Improve political position,Effectively enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency,Establish the idea of ​​​​a game of chess,Promote the implementation of various tasks of special operations。

The second is to organize and implement carefully。Civil affairs departments in various places must focus on the main tasks of the "five batches" in special operations,Further research to formulate specific implementation plans,Clear division of responsibilities,Refined step arrangement,Layer-by-layer transmission pressure,Promote industry associations and chambers of commerce at all levels to deeply understand the significance of tax and fee reduction work,Consciously and proactively reduce a batch of fees、Reduce one batch of charges、Standardize batch charges,To effectively reduce the burden on enterprises,Create a good economic and social development environment,Further enhance the enterprise’s sense of gain、Make a greater contribution to happiness and security。

The third is to strengthen coordination。Local civil affairs departments should take the initiative to strengthen cooperation with industry associations and chambers of commerce business supervisory units (industry management departments),And development and reform、Cooperation from market supervision and other departments,Increase information sharing and push efforts,Actively promote all departments to strictly perform corresponding regulatory responsibilities in accordance with the requirements of the "Notice" of the General Office of the State Council,A batch of charges are being investigated、Notice a batch of fees and give full play to the regulatory joint efforts of relevant departments。

In addition,Special Action "Notice" also requires civil affairs departments at all levels to strengthen information submission,Strictly follow the prescribed time nodes,Timely submission of special action information and results,Ensure the task is successfully completed as scheduled。For the results of special actions submitted by various places,The Ministry of Civil Affairs will also include important contents in the comprehensive assessment of key civil affairs tasks in 2021 for overall consideration。

Four、How industry associations and chambers of commerce should understand and implement the requirements of this special action?

Answer: The majority of industry associations and chambers of commerce must further study the Party Central Committee seriously、A series of decisions and arrangements made by the State Council on “reducing taxes and fees” and related policy documents regulating fees charged by industry associations and chambers of commerce,Improve political standing,Establish a sense of the overall situation,Implement special actions as an important political task in 2021,Earnestly adhere to the big principle of dafabet online betting websiteobeying the overall interests of the party and the country,Reducing and reducing a batch of fees around special action requirements、Reduce one batch of charges、Standardize a batch of charges” and take hard and practical measures,To reduce the burden on enterprises、Stimulate the vitality of market entities and make due contributions。Also,All industry associations and chambers of commerce must also comply with the requirements of the "Notice" of the General Office of the State Council,Continue to do a good job in self-examination of fees,Charges for violations discovered during self-examination,We must take the initiative to immediately clean up, cancel and return illegal income。For those who have not taken the initiative to rectify,Civil affairs departments at all levels will cooperate with market supervision and other departments,Intensify legal investigation and public exposure during the implementation of special operations。

 五、Next step,How will the Ministry of Civil Affairs implement the special action "Notice"?

Answer: Next step,The Ministry of Civil Affairs will follow the requirements of the Special Action "Notice",Do a good job in the following aspects: First, increase the intensity of news publicity and reporting,Quickly and accurately communicate the main tasks and specific requirements of the special action to local civil affairs departments and industry associations and chambers of commerce at all levels。The second is to guide local civil affairs departments to follow the requirements of the special action "Notice",Further study and formulate specific work implementation plans,Clear time node,Compaction work responsibility,Transfer pressure layer by layer,Form the combined force of upper and lower grasp and implementation。The third is to increase the supervision, guidance, supervision and inspection of special actions,Take practical and effective measures to promote all local departments to conscientiously perform their duties,Mobilize industry associations and chambers of commerce at all levels to conscientiously fulfill their social responsibilities、Be proactive,Ensure that all tasks of the special action are implemented and effective。Fourth is combined with annual inspection,Make special arrangements for the launch of special actions for national industry associations and chambers of commerce registered with the Ministry of Civil Affairs,Promote national industry associations and chambers of commerce to take the lead in reducing the burden on enterprises、Setting an example,Give full play to the role of demonstration and industry leadership in local industry associations and chambers of commerce。

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