dafabet live casino

  • Service provider:
    Inner Mongolia Winning Bid Inspection and Certification Technology Co., Ltd.
  • Contact:
    Mr. Yang
  • Service Category:
    Management Consulting Services
  • Service object:
  • Service method:
    Door-to-door service
  • Charging model:
    Based on certification or type of enterprises and institutions served、Business Scope、Enterprise size、Differences in risk levels and other factors,Determine the time and fees required for consulting services,Discounts for multiple systems or multiple projects combined。

Details   /Product and service introduction/Service Mode

dafabet casino mobile appCertification consultation process: 1. Application stage [a. Submit application b. Sign contract] 二、Preparation stage[a、Develop consultation planb、On-site surveyc、Implement training] 三、Management system planning、Guidance stage[a、Management system overall planning b、Write system file c、Management system operation guidance] 四、Assist in the third-party audit stage [Third-party audit、Obtain certificate]