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Article selector: Guo Hongli    |  Release date: 2019-01-21   |   Number of visits: 759    
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At the meeting to celebrate the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up,General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized,Reform and opening up "is a great awakening for our party",“It is a great revolution in the history of the development of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation”,“It is an important magic weapon for the party and the people to make great strides to catch up with the times”,“It is the only way to uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics”,“It is a key move that determines the fate of contemporary China,It is also decided to achieve the "two centenary goals"、A key move to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation”。Keywords such as "Great Awakening", "Great Revolution", "Important Magic Weapon", "The Only Way", "Key Move",Shows a deep understanding of historical experience and lessons,Contains far-reaching political and strategic considerations,Reflects a profound revelation of the basic laws of development,Highlights China’s belief in victory,We should study and understand seriously,To further understand the great significance and far-reaching impact of reform and opening up。

Demonstrate a deep understanding of historical experience and lessons

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: “History is the best teacher,It faithfully records the footsteps of every country,It also provides inspiration for the future development of every country。”These footprints,Having successful experience,There are also lessons from mistakes。Integrating experience and lessons,It is a precious wealth gifted by history to the present and the future。It can be said,The historical positioning of reform and opening up,Is made in the review and summary of history,It is also the party and the people’s profound summary and personal understanding of historical experience and lessons。

In his speech at the conference celebrating the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up,The two positions of “Great Awakening” and “Great Revolution”,It was put forward by the General Secretary after reviewing the twists and turns of history and the setbacks of the career,Also reviewing our party’s advancement of self-revolution、Proposed after correcting the chaos of history。Ideological "awakening",It exists relative to the "sleep" in thought;Revolution,It is about breaking through the shackles、The action of breaking the shackles is summarized to be established。40 years of reform and opening up,It is the party and the people who continue to break the shackles of thought、Promote ideological emancipation、The historical process of realizing the great awakening,It is also the most revolutionary thing to constantly activate productivity、The most active factor,Comprehensively break through the existing mindset、Interest pattern,Work together to eliminate the long-standing disadvantages、Stereotypes,Dare to bite hard bones、Bravely brave the Flame Mountain,The historical process that dafabet casino mobile apppromoted China’s earth-shaking changes。So,It is the great awakening of reform and opening up that gave birth to our party’s great creations from theory to practice,It is the great revolution of reform and opening up that has promoted the great leap forward in the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics。

"Three positionings: "Important Magic Weapon", "Only Path" and "Key Move",It was put forward by the General Secretary when summarizing the history of 40 years of reform and opening up。40 years of spring breeze and rain、Spring and Autumn Fruits,Reform and opening up have become the most significant feature of contemporary China、The most magnificent weather,Greatly changed the face of China、The face of the Chinese nation、The face of the Chinese people、The face of the Communist Party of China,Let the Chinese nation usher in the opportunity to stand up、The great leap from becoming rich to becoming strong,Socialism with Chinese characteristics ushered in its founding、The great leap from development to perfection,The Chinese people have made a great leap from insufficient food and clothing to moderately prosperous and prosperous。All these achievements show,Reform and opening up is indeed an “important magic weapon”, “the only way” and “a key move”。

Contains far-reaching political and strategic considerations

Behind the theory of any political party on the development of the country and nation,There are political logic and strategic considerations。You can understand by exploring the historical positioning of reform and opening up,These keywords are all thought and planned with an eye on realizing the people’s yearning for a better life,Closely close to the people's hearts, this is the biggest politics,Reflects the Chinese Communist Party’s pursuit of happiness for the Chinese people、The original intention and mission of seeking rejuvenation for the Chinese nation。

From a political point of view,Our party’s positioning on reform and opening up,Closely connected with socialism with Chinese characteristics。History,The "reforms" of some socialist countries have led to the disintegration of the socialist systems in these countries and the loss of the Communist Party's ruling status。But,Reform and opening up led by our party,It is the self-improvement and development of the socialist system,“It is the only way to uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics”。General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “What to change、How to change must be based on whether it is consistent with the improvement and development of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics、The overall goal of promoting the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities is the fundamental criterion,Should be changed、We will change what we can change,Should not be changed、If you can’t change it, you won’t change it。”40 years,Through reform and opening up, we have embarked on a successful development path that is different from Western countries,Not only does it not deviate from the socialist system,And it is promoting the socialist system with Chinese characteristics to become more mature and final。

From a strategic perspective,Our party’s positioning on reform and opening up,To achieve the “Two Centenary Goals”、The realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is closely related。General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “China’s 40 years of reform and opening up have provided people with many precious revelations,dafabet casino mobile appThe most important one is,A country、A nation must be revitalized,We must move forward in the logic of historical progress、Developing in the trend of the times。”Our Party’s Positioning on Reform and Opening Up,They are all based on the strategic perspective of the development and progress of the country and the nation。For example,The "great revolution" is linked to the development of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation,“Important magic weapon” is associated with the great strides of the party and the people to catch up with the times,The "key move" is directly linked to the strategic goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation。Marxist view,Productivity is the ultimate decisive force in economic and social development。Reform and opening up have greatly liberated and developed productive forces,Provide inexhaustible power for China’s economic and social development。As long as we continue to deepen reform and opening up,The country will be strong and prosperous、National rejuvenation、People’s happiness。

Reflecting the profound revelation of the basic laws of development

Historical materialism believes,Development is the eternal theme of human society。Engels pointed out,Socialist society "is not something static and immutable,And it should be the same as any other social system,Think of it as a society that is constantly changing and reforming”。Our party’s positioning on reform and opening up,It is a theoretical summary and systematic summary based on a firm grasp of the basic laws of development,Adhering to and developing Marxism in compliance with the requirements of the times and in compliance with objective laws。

Positioning on reform and opening up,Contains a profound revelation of the contradictory movement laws of productivity and production relations。Lenin once pointed out: "Labor productivity,In the final analysis, it is the most important and main thing that makes the new social system win。”40 years of reform and opening up,Continuously adjust production relations、Liberate and develop productivity,From the successful promotion of household responsibility system,To establish and improve the socialist market economic system,And then to the ongoing supply-side structural reform, etc.,Every institutional and mechanism change and major policy adjustment in the field of production relations,It is all based on Marxism that productivity determines production relations、The basic principle that production relations react on productivity,It is also through reforms to promote the interaction and coordination of productivity and production relations at a higher level。Positioning instructions such as “important magic weapon”, “only way”, “key move” etc.,We must comprehensively build a modern and powerful socialist country、Realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,Inseparable from the high development of productivity,Inseparable from the key role played by reform。

Positioning on reform and opening up,Contains a profound understanding of "the people are the creators of history"。“Reform and opening up is the unity of the people’s demands and the Party’s ideas,The people are the creators of history and the practitioners of reform and opening up”,This is respecting the laws of historical development、A declaration of the times that respects the people’s dominant position。The people are dafabet online sports betting appthe main body of the practice of reform and opening up,Is the promoter of reform and opening up,Also the creator of the miracle of reform and opening up,He is also a beneficiary of the achievements of reform and opening up。40 years of reform and opening up,In compliance with the development needs of the Chinese people、Be innovative、Requirements for a better life,In line with the development needs of people all over the world、Need to cooperate、The trend for peace。Positioning indications such as "Great Awakening" and "Great Revolution",Reform and opening up “fully stimulate the creative power hidden in the people”,It has greatly satisfied the concerns and expectations of the people,Promote the all-round development of people。

Demonstrates China’s belief in victory

"Faith、Faith、Confidence,Every time is crucial”。Wandering is more urgent especially when the ship arrives、When people reach the middle of the mountain and the road becomes steeper,We must strengthen our belief in victory。Our party’s positioning on every aspect of reform and opening up,All are positive affirmations of reform and opening up,The affirmation reveals extremely powerful confidence and strength,Expressing our party and hundreds of millions of Chinese people’s consistent efforts to deepen reform and expand opening up、The belief and determination to win without giving up until the goal is achieved。

The belief in winning demonstrated by these positionings,From the correct judgment of historical trends。For China,Comprehensively build a prosperous, strong, democratic, civilized, harmonious and beautiful modern socialist country,Realizing the Chinese Dream of the Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation,This is a historical trend that no one can stop,It is also the inevitable result of continuing to deepen reform and opening up in the new era。China’s development trend is highly consistent with the world’s development trend,China’s development will surely promote the joint construction of a community with a shared future for mankind,Promote countries around the world to jointly respond to global challenges。Follow this trend,Strong confidence in victory,Seize the opportunity for change,Work hard and be promising,Forge ahead,Promote China and the world to move forward in a better way,This is the history of the past 40 years,This is also the attitude and action we should have now and in the future。40 years of reform and opening up have rejuvenated the vitality and vitality of socialism,Promoted the development and progress of the world。This great revolution eloquently proves,Only through reform and opening up can socialism be developed,Only reform and opening up can make socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era more prominent and unique advantages。

The belief in winning demonstrated by these positionings,From high recognition of the brilliant achievements of reform and opening up。Development is the last word、Development should be scientific development and high-quality development。Achievements on the road to development,With the logical power of "Practice is the only criterion for testing truth",Support the inner pride and confidence of every Chinese。General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “Today’s world,Which political party should I say?、Which country、Which nation can be confident,The Communist Party of China、People's Republic of China、The Chinese nation has the most reason to be confident" "We are dafabet casino mobile appcloser than at any time in history、More confident and capable of achieving the goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation”。These confidence and abilities,We cannot do without reform and opening up。Positioning such as "Great Awakening", "Great Revolution", "Important Magic Weapon", "Key Move",Inspiring the whole party and people of all ethnic groups to burst out with strong positive energy,Stand on the trend、Fight bravely,Carry reform and opening up to the end,Create new and greater miracles in the new era。

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