首page> Party Building Activities>The "Five Musts" are important principles for current economic work



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Article selector: Guo Hongli    |  Release date: 2019-01-09   |   Number of visits: 999    
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The regular understanding pointed out by the Central Economic Work Conference held recently is the "five musts",Fully reflects the superb wisdom of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core in leading China’s economic giant to achieve steady and long-term development,Fully demonstrated the Party Central Committee’s skillful ability to manage complex situations。Implement the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference,It is necessary to embody these “five musts” in all aspects of economic and social development,Reflected into various tasks to promote high-quality development。The "Five Musts" are an important guideline for my country's current economic work,As long as we adhere to the "five musts",Continuously deepen the understanding of regularity in practice,Strong confidence in victory,Enhance awareness of danger,Maintain strategic focus,Focus on steady progress,A new atmosphere of economic development will definitely be formed,Promote economic and social development to achieve new achievements。

We must adhere to the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee。One of the most valuable experiences in my country’s 40 years of reform and opening up,It is the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee。General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in his speech at the conference celebrating the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up,The leadership of the Communist Party of China is the most essential feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics,It is the greatest advantage of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics。The situation becomes more complicated、The more difficult the task,The more we must adhere to the party’s centralized and unified leadership,The more important it is to give full play to the Party Central Committee to take charge of the overall situation、The ability to coordinate all parties。Only under the correct leadership of the Party Central Committee,Only can the giant ship of China’s economy always sail in the right direction,Crossing the stormy waves,Sail into a wider sea。

We must understand the current situation from the long-term trend。We must understand the current situation from the long-term trend,It is the starting point for doing a good job in economic work。Just like long-term growth and short-term fluctuations in macroeconomic operation,We need to see short-term economic fluctuations,We need to see the long-term economic growth trend again,And look at short-term fluctuations from a long-term growth perspective。In recent years,my country’Dafabet reviewss economic development is facing severe internal and external environments,From an international perspective,Trade protectionism represented by the United States continues to provoke trade disputes and even confrontations,Resulting in intensified international economic and trade risks;From domestic view,New momentum for economic growth has not yet been fully formed,Intensifying downward pressure on the economy,etc.。Due to various difficulties,There are often discordant voices at home and abroad that badmouth China’s economy。But,Understanding of the economic situation,Must be based on the correct judgment of long-term development trends,Although there are various risks and uncertainties in the international and domestic economic environment,However, the long-term positive development prospects of our country’s economy have not changed,my country’s development is still and will be in a period of important strategic opportunities for a long time。From the long-term development trend of the world economy,Our country still faces huge development opportunities: peace and development are still the themes of today’s world;Although unilateralism、Trade protectionism is on the rise,But the development trend of economic globalization has not been reversed;The new technological revolution represented by information technology is still developing in depth。From the long-term development trend of domestic economy,The most fundamental factors that determine my country’s economic growth and development have not changed,As General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out,The fundamentals of long-term economic development remain unchanged,Good economic resilience、Full potential、The basic characteristic of large swing space has not changed,The good supporting foundation and conditions for sustained economic growth have not changed,The forward trend of economic structural adjustment and optimization has not changed。The current economic situation can only be analyzed from the perspective of long-term development trends,I won’t be short-term、Blinded by local problems,Only in this way can we truly understand the problems faced by our country’s economic development and its future prospects,Invest in economic construction with firmer confidence。In fact,my country achieved economic growth in the first three quarters of 2018 6.7%,Still in the medium and high speed operating range,Economic growth is expected to be 6 in 2018.About 6%,6 set at the beginning of the year.The 5% goal is completely achievable,This growth rate is still at the forefront among major economies in the world。

The degree of macro-control must be accurately grasped。To achieve established macroeconomic goals,We must give full play to the policy effects of macroeconomic control policies,This requires a precise grasp of the degree of macro-control,Achieve pre-adjustment of macro-control、Fine-tuning and policy coordination。According to macroeconomic theory,There is a time dafabet online betting websitelag in the effectiveness of economic policies,There are internal time lags and external time lags,Intrinsic time lag refers to the time interval between economic fluctuations and policy makers formulating regulatory policies,Including recognition time lag、Decision lag and implementation lag;External time lag refers to after the policy is implemented,It will gradually have an impact on the economy over time,But only after a period of time,The effect of the policy can be fully realized,Only by macroeconomic control policies can we truly achieve the expected goals。Due to the effect of time lag,Macroeconomic policies must achieve significant results,Must be adjusted or pre-adjusted,This requires decision-making departments to accurately judge economic trends,Precision governance,Improve the forward-lookingness of policies。At the same time,Because the full consequences of policy cannot be known with certainty at the time of formulation,It is necessary to gradually evaluate the actual consequences of the policy as it unfolds,And make certain adjustments to macroeconomic control policies based on these evaluations,Otherwise,Rigid regulatory policies may produce many negative effects。In addition,Modern economic theory also believes that,Macroeconomic control policies will change the information and expectation structure of economic entities,Thereby inducing economic entities to take countermeasures,The effect of offsetting policies,Therefore,Achieving economic goals through macro-control cannot be accomplished overnight,Economic policies must be constantly adjusted as the economic situation changes。

To achieve scientific and effective macro-control,It is also necessary to strengthen the coordination among macroeconomic policies,According to the spirit of this Central Economic Work Conference,To strengthen policy coordination, we must focus on the following aspects: First, coordinate active fiscal policy with prudent monetary policy,More active fiscal policy next year,Monetary policy is moderately tight,Maintain ample liquidity,Adhere to the main line of supply-side structural reform without wavering。Second, policies to promote long-term economic growth should be coordinated with policies to stabilize short-term economic fluctuations。Modern economic growth theory believes that,The main factors that determine long-term economic growth are technological progress and efficiency improvement,The government needs to increase its investment in research and development, especially basic research, in the long term、Strength of support for major key technology research,Improving the incentive mechanism for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements。The government’s short-term stabilization policy is mainly an expansion or contraction policy that goes against the economic wind in response to the cyclical fluctuations in the economy,Short-term policies are more effective,But it must be consistent with long-term economic dafabet online betting websitegrowth promotion policies。The third is coordination between the top-level design of the central government and the actual implementation of local governments。

Must respond to social concerns in a timely manner,Actively guide market expectations。Macroeconomic Control,Essentially, it is the regulation of the behavior of economic entities,Economic entities’ expectations for future changes in various variables,Has a decisive role in its behavior,Because of this,Guiding the expectations of economic entities has become the basic means to achieve macroeconomic goals。Expectation is the psychological activity of economic entities,With dynamically changing characteristics,Will change with changes in external conditions,At the same time,Expectations also have self-fulfilling characteristics。For example,Investment as one of the troika of macroeconomic operation,Essentially it depends on the expectations and confidence of economic actors in the future,The most important thing to stabilize investment is to stabilize expectations。

Stable expectations,First,To solve the practical problems that are concerned by various economic entities in society,Continue in education、Medical、Housing、Pension Security、Increase investment in employment and other livelihood areas,Boost the confidence of economic entities in growth and development。Second,We must maintain the stability and consistency of economic policies。Changes in economic policies will inevitably change the information structure of economic entities,Influence its expectations,When facing a complex economic situation,It is more necessary to prevent frequent modifications of policies。Third,We must continue to improve the capital market、System construction of foreign exchange market, etc.,Guide market expectations in a targeted and reasonable manner。Fourth,We must truly understand the basic interests and concerns of various economic entities in the market,A clear and thorough explanation of all aspects of economic policy,Be open and transparent in the policy formulation process,Listen widely to opinions,Guide the public to form the correct、Reasonable expectations,Prevent expected deviations and even market risks caused by non-disclosure of policy formulation。Fifth,Deviations in policy implementation and information transmission must be corrected in a timely manner,Avoid false expectations。

We must fully mobilize the enthusiasm of all parties。First,We must fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the central and local governments,Form a work promotion mechanism that links up and down,Strengthening the central government’s top-level system design、Functions in macro-control and other aspects,Strengthen local government’s market supervision、Responsibilities in public services, etc.。Secondly,We must fully mobilize the enthusiasm of various economic entities,Stronger implementation、Bigger tax cuts,Implement VAT tax rate and social insurance premium rate Dafabet reviewsreform,Significantly reduce business operating costs,Increase profit level,Enable enterprises to have greater enthusiasm for investment and business activities。Finally,Put stabilizing employment at the top of your current work,Vigorously improve the people’s sense of gain、Happiness。

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