首page> Picture News>The 2019 National Industrial and Information Work Conference was held in Beijing. The meeting called for promoting the implementation of financial support for small businesses



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Article selector: Guo Hongli    |  Release date: 2019-01-03   |   Number of visits: 1898    
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December 27-28,National Industrial and Information Technology Work Conference held in Beijing。The meeting was guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,In-depth implementation of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Second Central Committee of the 19th Central Committee、Spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the CPC Central Committee,Conscientiously implement the deployment of the Central Economic Work Conference,Convey, study and implement important instructions from leading comrades of the State Council,Summary of work in 2018,Analyze changes in situation,Deployment of 2019 tasks。Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology、Minister Miao Wei attended the meeting,The title is "Maintaining strategic focus  Strong confidence and determination  Strive to create a new situation in building a manufacturing power and a network power" speech,And summarize the meeting。The meeting is held by members of the Party Committee of the Ministry、Presided over by Vice Minister Chen Zhaoxiong。Member of the Ministry Party Committee、Guo Kailang, leader of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission in the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology,Member of the Ministry Party Committee、Deputy Minister、Zhang Kejian, Director of the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense,Member of the Ministry Party Committee、Vice Minister Wang Jiangping、Xin Guobin、Luo Wen,Member of the Ministry Party Committee、Zhang Jianmin, Director of the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration,Member of the Ministry Party Committee、Chief Engineer Zhang Feng,Wang Xinzhe, chief economist of the ministry, attended the meeting。

The meeting pointed out,Since this year,Facing the complicated domestic and international situations,The national industrial and information system adheres to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Firmly establish the “Four Consciousnesses”、Strong “Four Confidences”,Practice the “Two Maintenances” to the letter,In-depth implementation of the Party Central Committee、Decision-making and deployment of the State Council,When difficult challenges exceed expectations,Work hard、Work hard,Solidly promote the construction of a manufacturing power and a network power,Successfully completed the annual goals and tasks,The industrial communications industry is generally stable、Stability and progress,Steady advancement of high-quality development。

First, industrial operation is maintained within a reasonable range。Conscientiously implement the central government’s “six stability” deployment,Actively promote consumption improvement and expansion,New information consumption innovation is active,Green building materials、Accelerate the promotion and application of high-efficiency energy-saving technology and equipment,New energy vehicle sales are growing rapidly,Manufacturing investment has returned to a higher level。The implementation of the newly revised Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion Law is being implemented in a solid manner。Steady response to Sino-US economic and trade frictions。Estimated for the whole year,The added value of the national industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 6.About 3%,Software and information technology services business revenue increased by 15%,Energy consumption per unit of industrial added value decreased by 3.5%。

Second, innovation-driven development has entered the fast lane。The manufacturing innovation system is increasingly improving。Four new national-level centers have been approved for the construction of manufacturing innovation centers。Result in innovation and development in key areas。Solid advancement of major national science and technology projects,AG600 amphibious aircraft successfully achieved its first flight over water。Steady implementation of industrial foundation strengthening project。First set、The first batch of policy effects continue to appear。Selected 10 China Excellent Industrial Design Awards。The development of military-civilian integration continues to deepen。Chang'e-4 probe successfully launched。

Third, supply-side structural reform is advanced in depth。Structural overcapacity reduction continues to increase,Industrial capacity utilization rate is rising steadily。New results achieved in cost reduction and burden reduction。Solid advancement in the construction of standard systems in key areas,The supply level of mid-to-high-end products has steadily improved。Accelerate the implementation of green manufacturing dafabet online sports betting appprojects。New energy vehicle power battery recycling pilot is actively promoted。Implementing major regional strategies,Enhanced coordination of regional development。Improving the construction quality of national new industrialization industry demonstration base。The fight against poverty is advanced。

Fourth, new kinetic energy accelerates growth。Accelerating growth of emerging industries and advanced manufacturing,Internet、Big data、The integration of artificial intelligence and the real economy continues to deepen。Issue a three-year action plan,Start and implement a number of pilot demonstration projects,Accelerating development of industrial Internet。Comprehensive implementation of intelligent manufacturing project。Comprehensive promotion of standard implementation of the integrated management system of informatization and informatization,The penetration rate of "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" platforms for key enterprises in key industries exceeds 75%,The digital transformation of manufacturing industry accelerates。A number of service-oriented manufacturing demonstration models have emerged。

Fifth, solid progress in building a cyber power。Complete the network speed and fee reduction targets set out in the government work report ahead of schedule。5G R&D and industrialization process accelerated。Universal telecommunications services have achieved remarkable results,The proportion of administrative villages with optical fiber access increased to 98%,95% of poor villages have access to broadband,Achieving the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” goals ahead of schedule。IPv6 large-scale deployment is rapidly advancing。Industry management and safety assurance work continues to be strengthened。Estimated for the whole year,Total telecommunications business volume increased by 140%,Internet industry revenue increased by 18%。

Sixth, the pace of reform and opening up is accelerating。The reform of “decentralization, regulation and service” continues to deepen。Accelerating reforms in key areas,Mobile communication resale business converted to official commercial use,China Unicom’s mixed-ownership reform plan is implemented,The transformation of production and operation military research institutes has entered the implementation stage。Intensify efforts to proactively open up to the outside world,General manufacturing industry fully liberalized,Developed car opening schedule and route map,Full release of ships、Aircraft foreign business access and special vehicles、New energy vehicle share ratio limit。International industrial cooperation has achieved remarkable results。

Meeting emphasis,The Central Economic Work Conference conducted an in-depth analysis of the current domestic and international situations,Comprehensive arrangements have been made for economic work next year,The national industrial and information system must study and understand it carefully,Unify thoughts and actions with the central government’s analysis and judgment of the situation,Unify to the central decision-making and deployment,Seize strategic opportunities,Adhere to bottom-line thinking,Strengthen forward-looking prediction,Ensure the completion of the set goals and tasks。

The meeting pointed out,After 40 years of reform and opening up,Our country’s economy is changing its development mode、Optimize economic structure、The critical period to transform growth momentum。We must maintain strategic focus,Strong confidence and determination,Grasp and use it well to accelerate the optimization and upgrading of the economic structure、Improve technological innovation capabilities、Deepening reform and opening up、Accelerate green development、Participating in new opportunities brought by changes in the global economic governance system,Solidly promote the construction of a manufacturing power,Continuously achieve new major breakthroughs。

Meeting emphasis,To follow the central deployment,Put the promotion of high-quality development of manufacturing industry in a more prominent position,Insist on and deepen supply-side structural reform with the times,In "Consolidate、Enhancement、Promote、Work hard on smooth communication,To promote technological change、Focus on improving the industrial chain,Continue to consolidate the results of "three cuts, one reduction and one supplement",Focus on enhancing the vitality of micro entities、Smoothing the national economic cycle,Take effective measures,Change the downward trend of proportion as soon as possible,Strive to build a manufacturing power。

The meeting deployed key tasks in 2019。The general requirements are,Adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Comprehensively implement the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Second Central Committee of the 19th Central Committee、Spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the CPC Central Committee,Insist on coordinating and promoting the "Five-in-One" overall layout and coordinating the promotion of the "Four Comprehensives" strategic layout,Adhere to the general tone of seeking progress while maintaining stability,Adhere to the new development dafabet online betting websiteconcept,Insist on promoting high-quality development,Adhere to supply-side structural reform as the main line,In accordance with the deployment of the Central Economic Work Conference and the requirements of "six stability",Based on manufacturing power、Overall situation of building a cyber power,In "Consolidate、Enhancement、Promote、Work hard to smooth the flow,Resolutely deepen market-oriented reforms、Expand high-level opening up,Focus on stimulating the vitality of micro entities,Strengthen innovation drive、Reform promotion、Integration driven,Coordinate the promotion of stable growth、Strong foundation、Fix for weaknesses、Adjust structure,Maintain the stable and healthy development of the industrial communications industry,Continuously enhance innovation and competitiveness,Provide strong support for building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way,Celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China with outstanding achievements。

The meeting required focusing on eight aspects of work.

First, strengthen innovation leadership,Accelerate the development of advanced manufacturing。Focus on the key points、Innovation mechanism、Optimization policy,Coordinate and promote the implementation of the strategy of manufacturing a powerful country。Put innovation at the core of industrial development,Strengthen research on key core technologies。Strengthening assessment and evaluation of manufacturing innovation center project,Implement dynamic management。Industrial strengthening project must strengthen collaborative research,Expand application scale。Continue to promote the organization, implementation and continued layout of major science and technology projects。Promote innovation and development in key areas。Construct a platform for the production and application demonstration of new materials,Deepen the connection between upstream and downstream enterprises of high-end materials。Carry out special actions to improve design capabilities,Promote the construction of industrial design center,Guiding the creation of the National Industrial Design Institute。Optimize the batch policy for the first batch of sets。Strengthening intellectual property protection and standardization work。Deeply promote the construction of advanced national defense science and technology industrial system and deep military-civilian integration。

The second is to focus on improving quality and efficiency,Promote the optimization and upgrading of traditional industries。Support the reduction of steel overcapacity in key provinces,Carry out special spot inspection of steel production capacity replacement plan。Continue to promote the exit of backward production capacity in accordance with laws and regulations。Implementing a new round of major technological transformation and upgrading projects。Accelerate the relocation and transformation of hazardous chemical production enterprises in densely populated urban areas。Carry out in-depth special actions on "three products" in the consumer goods industry、Equipment manufacturing and raw material industry quality improvement action。Comprehensively implement the action plan for pollution prevention and control,Implementing green manufacturing projects。Accelerate the construction of new energy vehicle power battery recycling system。Cultivation and development of energy-saving and environmental protection industries。Deepening cooperation between ministries and provinces,Promote coordinated regional development。Accelerate the improvement of excellence in the national new industrialization industry demonstration base。Implement the three-year action plan to win the battle against poverty,Ensure the completion of targeted assistance、The “hard” task of Internet poverty alleviation。Deepening the pilot program for universal telecommunications services,Strive to achieve broadband access to 98% of poor villages across the country by the end of 2019。

The third is to aim at intelligent manufacturing,Create an upgraded version that integrates informatization and informatization。Vigorously promote the innovative development of industrial Internet,Continue to carry out pilot demonstration and innovative development projects,Accelerate the national top node of logo analysis、Secondary node construction,Guide enterprises to build benchmark networks。In-depth implementation of intelligent manufacturing projects,Develop and promote national intelligent manufacturing standards。Improve and promote the management standard system for the integration of informatization and informatization,Support and guide the use of new technologies, new industries and new business formats to transform and enhance traditional industries,Promote the manufacturing industry to accelerate digital transformation。Deepen the pilot demonstration for the integrated development of manufacturing and the Internet,Focus on cultivating a new model of "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" in the manufacturing industry based on the industrial Internet platform。Promote the "unveiling and leading" mechanism for the key tasks of artificial intelligence industry innovation。Do a good job in piloting the development of big Dafabet reviewsdata industry,Promote the development and application of industrial big data。Improving industrial information security regulations and institutional systems。

The fourth is to cultivate the domestic market,Maintain steady growth of the industrial economy。Continuously upgrade and expand information consumption,Support wearable devices、Consumer drone、Intelligent service robot、Virtual reality and other product innovations,Promote the intelligent upgrading of consumer electronic products,Guide various regions to build a number of new information consumption demonstration cities。Implementing Ultra HD Video、Internet of Vehicles (intelligent connected cars) and other industry development action plans。Improving the new energy vehicle points management system,Develop the "Fifth Stage" fuel consumption standards for passenger cars。Support cruise yachts、RV、General aviation、Cultural Equipment、Popular development of ice and snow equipment。Play the key role of investment,Focus on shortcomings and technological transformation in key areas,Accelerate the planning and construction of a number of major projects。Further implement the policies that have been introduced to promote private investment。Deepen cooperation with industry and finance。Strengthen industry operation monitoring and coordination。Strengthen public opinion guidance and expectation management。Do a good job in Sino-US economic and trade consultations。

The fifth is to stimulate market vitality,Cultivation of more competitive high-quality enterprises。Adhere to "two unwavering beliefs",In-depth implementation of the Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion Law,Promote the equal use of production factors in various ownership economies in accordance with the law、Fair participation in market competition。Promote the implementation of financial policies and measures to support the development of small and micro enterprises。Guide guarantee institutions to expand the scale of low-charge financing guarantee business for small and micro enterprises。Carry out quality improvement assistance to small and medium-sized enterprises、Special Action to Improve Enterprise Management。Promote and optimize the market environment for corporate mergers and reorganizations。Encourage and support non-public capital to participate in the restructuring and reorganization of state-owned enterprises in the manufacturing sector。Strengthening fair competition review of policy documents,Improving the antitrust review mechanism。Implement the three-year action plan to promote the integrated development of large, medium and small enterprises。Promote the establishment of long-term mechanisms to stimulate and protect entrepreneurship。Develop industrial culture,Promote the revitalization of industrial spirit。

The sixth is to improve support capabilities,Unleashing the potential of the digital economy。Continue to improve network speeds and reduce fees,Start the broadband network "dual G dual mention,Same network, same speed” action,Accelerate the promotion of Gigabit fixed broadband applications,Do a good job in registering poor households、Precise fee reduction for small and medium-sized enterprises,Promote significant reduction in roaming charges between the Mainland and Hong Kong and Macao,Strictly investigate tariff marketing violations。Promote the expansion of network bandwidth and the IPv6 upgrade of existing websites and APPs。Carry out special rectification of broadband monopoly in commercial buildings。Accelerate 5G commercial deployment,Solidly set standards、R&D、Testing and safety support work,Accelerate the maturity of the industry chain,Accelerate application innovation。Improve industry supervision capabilities,Strengthen network real-name、IPv6 address and ICP registration management。Issue guidance to encourage and regulate the healthy and orderly development of new telecommunications services。In-depth promotion of style construction and special management,Strengthen the protection of users’ personal information。Improve security capabilities。Intensify radio management。

The seventh is to deepen reform and opening up,Continuously optimize the development environment of the industrial communication industry。Promote further reduction of value-added tax rate and corporate income tax。Vigorously clean up and regulate enterprise-related charges,Continue to promote the settlement of arrears of accounts owed by government departments and large state-owned enterprises to private enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises。Deepening the reform of “delegating power, delegating power, delegating power, delegating power, delegating power and optimizing services”,Promote reform and legislation in key areas。Carry out preliminary research on the “14th Five-Year Plan”。Study and formulate industrial policy transformation opinions for the industrial communications industry。Strengthening the construction of talent team。Comprehensively implement the pre-establishment national treatment plus negative list management system,Implement ship、Aircraft、Open policy for dafabet online betting websiteautomobile and other industries,Actively and steadily promote the opening up of the telecommunications industry。Establish and improve the security review mechanism for foreign investment。Focusing on “One Belt, One Road”,Strengthening the interconnection of information network infrastructure、Equipment manufacturing and international production capacity cooperation。Pragmatically promote bilateral and multilateral exchanges and cooperation in key areas。

The eighth is to take a clear-cut stand and talk about politics,Lead the comprehensive and strict governance of the party into depth。Firmly establish the “Four Consciousnesses”,Strong “Four Confidences”,Resolutely achieve "two maintenances",Implement the Party Central Committee to the letter、Major decisions and arrangements of the State Council。Carefully plan and solidly promote "never forget the original intention  Keep your mission in mind” theme education。Conscientiously implement the branch work regulations。Comprehensively implement the party’s organizational line in the new era,Effectively motivate cadres to take on their responsibilities。Improve and standardize supervision work。Strengthen study and research。Perform the responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the party,Deepen political inspections and inspections,Implement the spirit of the eight central regulations and implementation rules,Strengthen supervision and discipline accountability,Continue to consolidate the overwhelming momentum in the fight against corruption。

Meeting emphasis,The national industrial and information system must be closely united around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core,Up and down are concentric,Work hard,Pioneering and enterprising,Celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China with outstanding achievements in building a manufacturing power and a network power,For a decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects、Lay a solid foundation to start a new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country。

The meeting also made arrangements for various tasks at the end of the year and the beginning of the year。

State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense、Member of the Party Leadership Group of the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration and responsible comrade of the comprehensive management department,Provinces (districts)、City) and the main responsible comrades of the industry and information technology department of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps,Provinces (districts)、The main responsible comrade of the Municipal Communications Administration Bureau,Affiliated units、Affiliated universities、Main responsible comrades of various departments and bureaus of the Ministry,Responsible comrades from relevant central government units and relevant industry associations attended the meeting。

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