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Article selector: Guo Hongli    |  Release date: 2019-08-12   |   Number of visits: 514    
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Realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,Not only must we become stronger materially,Be strong mentally too。Comrade Xi Jinping has cultivated the Chinese people in their long-term struggle、Inheritance、The great national spirit developed,Summary as great creative spirit、Great fighting spirit、Great spirit of unity and great spirit of dreams。On the great journey of the new era,We must deeply understand the great national spirit,Carry forward the great national spirit,Continuously boost the spirit of the whole nation,Strive to create new and greater miracles for the Chinese nation,Create new and greater miracles that will impress the world。

The great creative spirit is the distinctive endowment of the Chinese nation。Innovation is the soul of a nation’s progress。Comrade Xi Jinping pointed out,The Chinese nation is full of the spirit of change and openness。From "Gou Rixin,New every day,Innovation every day” to “Only innovators advance,Only innovators are strong,Only the innovators win”,The great creative spirit inspires the Chinese nation to constantly establish new ideas、Open a new chapter、Break new ground,Let the ancient civilization of more than 5,000 years continue to flourish、Vibrant,Let the Chinese nation, dafabet online sports betting appwhich has endured many hardships since modern times, be reborn from the ashes、Ushering in the dawn of great revival,Let the world’s largest developing country soon build a moderately prosperous society in all respects,And then start a new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country。The creative spirit is the source of national vitality,Innovation capability is the cornerstone of national strength,To realize the Chinese dream, we must carry forward the great creative spirit。Reform is a kind of innovation and creation,Innovation is the life of reform and opening up,To realize the Chinese dream, we must carry out reforms to the end。

The great spirit of struggle is the living gene of Chinese culture。Thousands of years,The Chinese people always reform the old and make new things、Continuous self-improvement,Carry forward and not be afraid of difficulties、The great fighting spirit of forging ahead,Develop and build the vast and beautiful rivers and mountains of the motherland,Victory over countless natural disasters,Build dotted cities and villages,Develop a complete industrial system,Continuously create a colorful and beautiful life。The great spirit of struggle is the purification of the souls of the Chinese people through hard work、Sharpen your will、The crystallization of firm belief。Comrade Xi Jinping pointed out,Great dreams cannot wait、You can shout,Spell it out instead、Done it。Everything in the world is difficult。The better the dream,The harder it takes to achieve it。No matter the dream of national rejuvenation,Still a dream of personal happiness,Struggle is the foundation for building and realizing dreams。Let the great spirit of struggle illuminate dafabet casino mobile appthe way forward in the new era,You will definitely be able to create a better life。

The great spirit of unity is an important guarantee for national rejuvenation。Thousands of years,The Chinese people are always united as one、We are in the same boat,Establish a unified multi-ethnic country,The formation of a big Chinese family that helps each other。No matter what hardships the Chinese nation goes through,This great spirit of unity inspires the Chinese people to hold hands、side by side,We work together to overcome the difficulties and obstacles on the road ahead。History has repeatedly proved a truth,Unity is strength,Only through unity can we move forward,A divided country cannot develop and progress。The resonance between personal future and national goals,The "small self" and the "big self" go in the same direction,Is China’s unique political advantage,It is also the deep code of China’s economic miracle。More than 1.3 billion Chinese people have always carried forward the great spirit of unity,We can form the courage to move forward、The indestructible majestic power。

The spirit of great dreams is the endogenous driving force for national rejuvenation。Since ancient times,Chinese people always have dreams、Striving for it,Pangu Kaitian、Nuwa mends the sky、Ancient myths such as Foolish Old Man moving mountains reflect the Chinese people’s persistent spirit of pursuing and realizing their dreams。Since modern times,The strong desire to pursue great dreams has become an inexhaustible driving force for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation。Not only that,The Chinese people also have the character and mind to "bring good to the world"。Comrade Xi Jinping pointed out,China always believes that,The world is good,dafabet online sports betting appChina is good only;Good China,The world is a better place。Facing the world’s major changes unseen in a century,Comrade Xi Jinping’s magnificent vision as an outstanding statesman and strategist、Strategic thinking,Proposed the important strategic idea of ​​building a community with a shared future for mankind,Received high praise and warm response from the international community,has become a clear banner for China to lead the trend of the times and the direction of progress of human civilization。


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