首page> News>Agricultural production is increasing steadily, industrial production above designated size is picking up steadily, service industry is growing well, and our city’s economy is running smoothly in the first quarter



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Article selector: Liu Jia    |  Release date: 2024-04-25   |   Number of visits: 552    
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Reporter learned from the Municipal Bureau of Statistics,Since this year,Our city adheres to the principle of stability、Seeking progress while maintaining stability,Focus on expanding domestic demand、Optimized structure,Macro policy "combination boxing" coordinated efforts,Policy effects continue to be released,The economy started smoothly from January to February,Consolidate and improve again in March,In the first quarter, the economy performed stably and improved while improving。

Unified accounting results based on regional GDP,The city’s GDP in the first quarter was 92 billion yuan,Calculated at constant price,YoY growth of 6.4%。Look at different industries,The added value of the primary industry is 1.8 billion yuan,YoY growth of 6.1%;The added value of the secondary industry is 27.1 billion yuan,Growth 10.0%;The added value of the tertiary industry is 63.1 billion yuan,Growth 5.0%。

Agricultural production has increased steadily。The city’s total output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery is 34.300 million yuan (calculated based on comparable price),6% year-on-year growth。Agriculture、Forestry、Husbandry、Comparison of the five major economic indicators of the fishery and service industries with the same period last year,All achieved comprehensive improvement,Increase by 9 respectively.7%、9.7%、5.5%、7.5% and 5.5%。All high-standard farmland projects are under construction。Planned to build new high-standard farmland in 202414.540,dafabet online betting website000 acres,130,000 acres of quality improvement,Improvement and utilization of 500,000 acres of saline-alkali land,Total investment 7.4.1 billion yuan,As of the end of March,All construction started。The supply of livestock products continues to increase。First quarter,The city’s total output of four kinds of meat (pork, beef, sheep and poultry) increased by 9% year-on-year.3%。First quarter,The city’s total milk production increased by 28% year-on-year.9%,Milk production continues to maintain a rapid growth trend。Vegetable production situation is good、Both area output achieved growth。First quarter,Sowing area of ​​vegetables and edible fungi in the city 1.30,000 acres,year-on-year growth of 24.6%,Total output 3.00,000 tons,YoY growth 9.4%。Multiple national project funds approved。The dry-fed millet industry cluster constructed by Qingshuihe County was selected as a national industrial cluster project,Approved support fund of 26 million yuan;Shengle Town, Helin County, was selected into the national agricultural industry strong town creation list,Approved support fund of 10 million yuan。

Stable recovery of industries above designated size。First quarter,The added value of industries above designated size increased by 12% year-on-year.6%,Increased by 0 compared with January-February.2 percentage points (the growth rate of added value ranks fourth in the region),Higher than the autonomous region (7.1%)5.5 percentage points。Higher industry growth。Among 28 major categories in the city,16 positive year-on-year growth,Industry growth area is 57.1%。Among them food manufacturing、Electricity and heat production、The added value of petroleum, coal processing and gas production and supply increased by 17% year-on-year respectively.1%、17.1%、20.5% and 38.1%,13 pull-ups in total.2 percentage points。Industrial enterprises are operating stably。Among 357 regulated industrial enterprises in the city,127 companies achieved double-digit growth。The service industry is growing well。First quarter,The added value of the service dafabet online betting websiteindustry increased by 5% year-on-year.0%,Contribution rate to regional GDP 55.3%。From an industry perspective,Among the 10 industry categories of service industries above designated size,Operating income from January to February showed "7 increases and 3 decreases" compared with the same period last year,Except resident services、Repair and other services,Health and Social Work,Culture、Except that the operating income of the three industries of sports and entertainment industry decreased compared with the same period last year,All other industry categories achieved growth。Among them,Transportation、Warehousing and postal industry operating income accounted for 68.7% (the largest proportion),Year-on-year growth of 22.7%,Good development momentum;The education category is growing the fastest,Operating income increased by 76% year-on-year.9%。From an enterprise perspective,Among the city’s 530 service industry enterprises above designated size,305 households achieved growth,Growth nearly 60%,260 of them achieved double-digit growth。

Investment speed up and efficiency increase。First quarter,Fixed asset investment increased by 39% year-on-year.3% (investment growth ranks third in the region),Increased by 6 compared with January-February.2 percentage points,Higher than the entire district (31.5%)7.8 percentage points。Investment projects in the library have obvious effects。As of the end of March,973 investment projects in the city’s inventory (including real estate),Among them,165 projects over 1 billion yuan,The investment amount accounts for 64% of the city’s investment.6%,Promote investment growth in the city 21.3 percentage points,The role of “ballast stone” is highlighted。Infrastructure investment is strongly driven。First quarter,Growth 79.4%,Promote investment growth in the city 29.3 percentage points。Mainly new airport、S43 Airport Expressway、Tuoqing Green Power Supply Project Tuoketuo Photovoltaic Power Generation Project Phase I、Large-scale dafabet online sports betting appinfrastructure projects such as the Phase II reconstruction and improvement project of Jinhai Road from Hailar East Street to Hailar West Street continue to increase in volume,Form strong support。High-tech industries maintain rapid growth。High-tech industry investment accounts for 20% of the city’s investment.6%,66 year-on-year increase.3%,Promote the growth of all investments11.5 percentage points。

The vitality of market consumption is demonstrated。First quarter,Total retail sales of consumer goods 291.800 million yuan,Year-on-year growth of 4.1% (the growth rate ranks third in the region)。Among them,Limited to total retail sales of consumer goods 109.400 million yuan,YoY growth of 5.0%。Looking from the main industries,Limited wholesale and retail trade in the city、Accommodation and catering industry sales and turnover increased by 3% respectively.5%、11.8%。From the perspective of demand momentum,The city’s restricted units achieved an increase of 45 in retail sales of goods through public networks.2%,The proportion of retail sales of restricted goods reaches 19.1%,Increase by 5 compared with the same period last year.3 percentage points。New energy vehicle sales remain hot,Growth 33.6%。

Source: Hohhot Daily

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