首page> Platform News>Inner Mongolia: Make a good policy "combination" to support the development of small, medium and micro enterprises



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Article selector: Liu Jia    |  Release date: 2023-11-24   |   Number of visits: 1167    
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Since 2023,Inner Mongolia Finance gives full play to the guidance of fiscal policy、Pryability、Incentive effect,Increase capital investment,Optimization policy tools,Precisely implement policy "combination punches" around the actual needs of market entities,Take multiple measures to support the high-quality development of small, medium and micro enterprises,Further releasing the operational vitality of small, medium and micro enterprises,Promote stable and positive economic development in the region。

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  First, implement tax and fee reduction policies in a timely and full amount.Conscientiously implement various preferential tax policies that have been introduced by the country,Support the development of small, medium and micro enterprises,Includes VAT relief for small taxpayers、Income tax reduction and exemption for small and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households、Super deduction for R&D expenses、VAT additional deduction,And "six taxes and two fees" exemption, etc.。Taxpayers whose monthly sales or turnover do not exceed 100,000 yuan (quarterly sales or turnover do not exceed 300,000 yuan for quarterly taxation) are exempt from the education fee surcharge、Local education fee surcharge、Water Conservancy Construction Fund;Small and micro enterprises (including individual industrial and commercial households) applying for real estate registration,Real estate registration fee waived;Exemption from fishery resources enhancement and protection fees for small and micro enterprises、Tractor number plate (including number plate holder、Fixed seal installation fee and driving license test fee, etc.。

  The second is to fully implement the policy of reducing or reducing social security fees.Continue to implement the phased reduction of unemployment insurance、Work-related injury insurance rate policy,Execution period until the end of 2024。January-September 2023,Reducing unemployment insurance rates reduces the burden on employers by 20.9.3 billion yuan,Reducing work-related injury insurance rates reduces the burden on employers 4.7.5 billion yuan。

  The third is to introduce further support policies based on local conditions.At the Party Central Committee、Under the premise that all fiscal policies deployed by the State Council are implemented in place,The autonomous region has introduced a number of preferential tax and fee measures within its local authority,Including extending the implementation period of the district’s preferential tax policies to promote high-quality development of the private economy from the end of 2021 to the end of 2025;According to national authorization,Joined relevant departments to issue a document clarifying the autonomous region’s preferential tax policies for supporting key groups and retired soldiers’ employment and entrepreneurship,Relevant quota (fixed) deduction standards are subject to the national authorized upper limit and the implementation period is extended;Adjust the calculation method of water conservancy construction fund in the region;Phased suspension of local reservoir resettlement support fund;No charge for small and micro enterprises to apply for drug registration and medical device product registration, etc.,Support the relief and development of small, medium and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households。

  Fourth, we must resolutely prevent excessive taxes and fees.Update and improve the autonomous region’s “Administrative Charges Catalog List” and “Government Fund Catalog List”,Focus on enterprise-related charging items,Further enhance the utility of directory listings,Make sure there are no administrative charges outside the list,Fully protect the rights and interests of payers。

  Strengthen fiscal and financial policy coordination to ensure corporate financing needs

  First, make full use of the entrepreneurial guaranteed loan interest discount policy.According to the "Measures for the Management of Special Funds for Inclusive Financial Development" and other relevant policies and regulations,Provide entrepreneurial guaranteed loan interest discount support to eligible individuals and small and micro enterprises。A total of 10 entrepreneurial guaranteed loans will be issued from January to September 2023.7.4 billion yuan,Among them 6 small and micro enterprises.3.2 billion yuan,Individual 4.4.2 billion yuan。

  The second is to make full use of the risk compensation funds of financing guarantee companies.Based on the liquidation work,Continue to revise and improve the "Measures for the Management of Risk Compensation Funds of Autonomous Region Financing Guarantee Companies",Let policy dividends benefit as many financing guarantee institutions as possible,Promote financing for small, medium and micro enterprises and "agriculture, rural areas and animal husbandry" entities in the region。

  The third is to give full play to the guiding role of the central government’s special funds for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises。In 2023, a special fund of 67.53 million yuan will be allocated from the central government for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises (in the direction of financing guarantee, fee reduction, awards and subsidies for small and micro enterprises),Used to guarantee business and premium subsidies for 32 small and micro enterprise guarantee institutions in the region,To guide more financial resources to be allocated to small and micro enterprises、It is of positive significance to solve the problem of difficult and expensive financing for small and micro enterprises。

  Leverage the guiding role of financial funds to support high-quality development of enterprises

  First, give full play to the guiding role of special funds for the development of key industries in the autonomous region。Special funds for the development of key industries will be released in 20233.4.4 billion yuan,Interest discount through loan、In lieu of compensation、A total of 279 projects supported by investment subsidies and other methods,Develop from green、Smart manufacturing、Technological Innovation、Technological transformation and other aspects focus on the "8 major industrial clusters in the autonomous region、16 key industrial chains”,To accelerate industrial transformation and upgrading、Realizing green manufacturing、Intelligent、Laid the foundation for high-end development。

  The second is to give full play to the guiding role of special funds for the autonomous region’s domestic trade circulation service industry。Special funds of 32.5 million yuan will be allocated to the domestic trade circulation service industry in 2023,In competitive industries、Featured industries implement e-commerce transformation,Catering、High-quality development of housekeeping,Support the development of small and micro enterprises in terms of innovation and development of time-honored brands。

  The third is to give full play to the guiding role of central finance funds for the construction of county commercial system。Utilize central fiscal county commercial system construction funds 1.400 million yuan,Taking channel sinking as the main line,Focusing on the county rural business network system and the "three points and one line" of rural logistics and distribution,Accelerate the completion of shortcomings in rural commercial facilities,Improving the county and rural logistics distribution system,Guiding the transformation and upgrading of commercial circulation enterprises,Promote high-quality development of county businesses,Realizing a virtuous cycle of increasing farmers’ income and improving consumption quality,Create conditions for the development of small and micro enterprises。

  The fourth is to promote enterprises to explore international markets.2023,To encourage small and medium-sized enterprises to “go global”,Actively explore international markets,The autonomous region’s finance will provide corresponding financial support。At the same time,A one-time financial reward will be given to small and micro enterprises in the region that are the first to open an account for RMB foreign exchange forward and options business。

  Implement government procurement、Supportive policies such as job stabilization and employment,Helping enterprises accelerate development

  First, continue to increase government procurement to support small and medium-sized enterprises.Strictly implement the reserved quota、Price review preferential policies and measures,Further expand the procurement share of small and medium-sized enterprises。Goods below 2 million yuan、Service,Projects below 4 million yuan,Suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises,Specially for small and medium-sized enterprise procurement;Goods worth more than 2 million yuan、Service,Suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises,Reserve 30% of the total project amount for procurement from small and medium-sized enterprises;Projects over 4 million yuan,Suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises,Increase the reserved share to more than 40%。The proportion of government procurement contracts awarded to small and medium-sized enterprises in the region for five consecutive years has exceeded 70%。Also relying on the government procurement cloud platform,Create financial services module,Since its launch, it has provided financing for hundreds of small and medium-sized enterprises6.0.8 billion yuan,Use electronic letter of guarantee instead of deposit,Use electronic letter of guarantee instead of deposit.0.3 billion yuan。

  The second is to improve the employment security system,Support small and medium-sized enterprises to stabilize and expand employment。Actively utilize central transfer payments,Increase employment subsidy fund support in the autonomous region,As of now,A total of 24 employment subsidy funds will be issued in 2023.7.7 billion yuan。Implement various employment policy measures,Subsidy through vocational training、Social insurance subsidy、Employment internship、Job hunting and entrepreneurship、Public welfare job subsidies support the employment and entrepreneurship of key groups,Further strengthening rural revitalization、Employment of college graduates and employment assistance in areas with high unemployment rate。Increase skills training,Make full use of employment subsidy funds、Unemployment Insurance Fund、Special account funds for professional skills improvement actions,Provide vocational training subsidies according to regulations,Implementing vocational skills training subsidy policy,Expand the benefit scope of skills improvement subsidy。

Source: "Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Finance Department" official WeChat

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