首page> Picture News>"2022 Small and Medium Enterprises Development Environment Assessment Report" released (with illustrations)



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Article selector: Liu Jia    |  Release date: 2023-02-21   |   Number of visits: 2722    
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Party Central Committee、The State Council attaches great importance to the development of small and medium-sized enterprises。The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was submitted,"Support the development of small, medium and micro enterprises" "Support the development of specialized and new enterprises" "Create a good environment conducive to the growth of technology-based small, medium and micro enterprises"。General Secretary Xi Jinping requested in his congratulatory letter to the 2022 National Specialized, Special and New Small and Medium Enterprises Development Conference,Party committees and governments at all levels must resolutely implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee,Create a good environment for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises,Increase support for small and medium-sized enterprises,Strong confidence in corporate development。

In order to implement the Party Central Committee、Decision-making and deployment of the State Council,In accordance with the requirements of the "Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion Law" and related documents,2022,China Small and Medium Enterprises Development Promotion Center continues to carry out third-party assessment of the development environment of small and medium-sized enterprises,The main situation is as follows:

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4 municipalities will continue to be selected for the 2022 annual evaluation、5 cities under separate state planning and 27 provincial capital cities,A total of 36 typical cities are used as evaluation objects。Based on the data of the previous year,Independent assessment by a third-party agency。

  First, take into account the new requirements of assessment stability and promotion of the development of small and medium-sized enterprises,Optimize and improve the evaluation index system。To ensure the continuity of the assessment work、Continuity and comparability,The indicator system in 2022 remains stable as a whole。Also targeting the Party Central Committee、Relevant decisions and arrangements of the State Council,Revolving around new requirements for promoting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises and new changes in the external environment faced by the development of small and medium-sized enterprises、New trends and new issues,Optimize and improve individual indicators。This evaluation index system consists of 5 first-level indicators,21 secondary indicators,38 third-level indicators。Mainly from the "market environment、Legal environment、Financing environment、Evaluate the five dimensions of "innovation environment and policy environment"。

  The second is to build a multi-dimensional evaluation system,Continuously enrich the collection of typical experience cases。Evaluation data mainly comes from 5 aspects,Including local government departments to report,Enterprise online survey,Field research and third-party walk-through testing,Public statistics,Government website、Media and authoritative organizations obtain data。Cumulative pairs 3.More than 40,000 small and medium-sized enterprises conducted questionnaire survey,More than 400,000 pieces of information retrieved,More than 300 calls and emails,Carry out research on 10 typical cities,Face-to-face communication with more than 200 companies。Related local government departments、In-depth discussion with corporate service agencies and industry associations and chambers of commerce,Learn about the various measures taken by participating cities to improve the development environment for small and medium-sized enterprises、Results achieved and typical experiences and practices。

  The third is comparative analysis of evaluation data in the past three years,Highlight the urban environment improvement trend。Comprehensive calculation of data information obtained from multiple channels and historical data in the past three years、Comparative analysis,Carefully studied the changes in the main indicator data,Combined with the macroeconomic situation、Optimizing development environment measures in various places, etc.,Key interpretations of cities with significant improvements in relevant indicators,In-depth analysis and digging into the reasons behind it,More intuitively reflects the progress of the evaluation work,Promoting construction through evaluation、Promote changes through comments、To evaluate the achievements in promoting excellence,Provide reference for participating cities to further optimize the development environment for small and medium-sized enterprises。

  The fourth is to combine new situations and new issues in the development of small and medium-sized enterprises,Research to understand the effectiveness of the implementation of corporate bailout policies。In recent years,The country has intensively introduced a series of support policies,Helping small, medium and micro enterprises to relieve difficulties,Cities actively promote the implementation of various policy initiatives,Strive to solve the production and operation difficulties faced by small, medium and micro enterprises。Passed company symposium and questionnaire survey during evaluation,Understand the production and operation status and development intentions of small and medium-sized enterprises in participating cities,Analyze the awareness and implementation status of relevant corporate relief policies and corporate satisfaction level one by one,And collect relevant opinions and suggestions。

 二、Main conclusions of the evaluation

 (1) Comprehensive ranking of development environment assessment

Overall view,The development environment of small and medium-sized enterprises will remain stable overall in 2022。The top 10 cities with comprehensive scores are Shenzhen、Shanghai、Nanjing、Guangzhou、Beijing、Hangzhou、Xiamen、Ningbo、Changsha and Qingdao。The development environment assessment scores of small and medium-sized dafabet online betting websiteenterprises in each participating city are as follows:

Table 1 2022 Small and Medium Enterprise Development Environment Assessment Scores


  (2) Basic characteristics of urban development environment participating in the evaluation

  1. Deepening the reform of “delegation, regulation and service” has achieved positive results,The number of small, medium and micro enterprises is rising against the trend。

Each participating city has overcome the impact of the complex and severe international environment,Coordinate epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development,Continue to deepen the reform of “delegation, regulation and service”,Simplify administrative approval process,Vigorously promote “one-stop service”,Optimize business start-up services,The number of small and medium-sized enterprises maintains steady growth。According to statistics,As of the end of 2021,The number of small and medium-sized enterprises in participating cities is 2248.180,000 households,Accounting for 46 of the total in the country.8%,Compared with the end of 2019 (1858.460,000 households) with an average annual growth rate of 9.99%;Number of newly registered companies 423.280,000 households,Accounting for 46 of the total in the country.8%,Compared with the end of 2019 (331.750,000 households) with an average annual growth rate of 12.96%,The number of newly registered enterprises in 32 cities has achieved two consecutive years of growth。


  2. Accelerate the improvement of the environment conducive to enterprise innovation,The imbalance between cities has eased。

Participating cities continue to strengthen the dominant position of enterprises in scientific and technological innovation,Increase funds、Talent、Investment in technology and other aspects,Promote integration and innovation of large, medium and small enterprises,Continue to practice the concept of inclusive and prudent supervision that is compatible with innovation and creation,Create a better environment for the growth of innovative small, medium and micro enterprises。In recent years,Most cities have seen significant growth in innovation input and output,The development quality of small and medium-sized enterprises has been significantly improved。

Evaluation display,The average R&D investment intensity of each city increased from 2 in 2019.54% increased to 2 in 2021.71%,The investment intensity of 30 cities has increased for two consecutive years,Wuhan among them、Harbin、Shenzhen、Haikou and Chengdu improved rapidly,Average over 0 per year.25 percentage points。The digital empowerment level of small and medium-sized enterprises in various cities has been steadily improved,Among them Hangzhou、Qingdao、Shenzhen、Nanjing and Chengdu rank in the top 5.Lanzhou、Kunming、Dalian、Guiyang and Urumqi have improved significantly。

The emergence of innovative achievements in various cities is accelerating。Among them,The average value of technology contract transactions increased from 507 in 2019.2.5 billion yuan increased to 721 in 2021.7.8 billion yuan,The average annual growth rate is nearly 20%,31 cities achieved continuous growth in transaction volume;The average number of domestic patent authorizations increased from 3 in 2019.860,000 items increased to 5 in 2021.860,000 pieces,Average annual growth rate exceeds 25%,34 cities achieved continuous growth in authorization volume;The average number of trademark registrations increased from 8 in 2019.940,000 items increased to October 2021.250,000 pieces,The average annual growth rate reaches 7%。


The dispersion of innovation environment scores in each city is 0.3334.The gap between cities has narrowed,The problem of unbalanced development level of innovation environment is further alleviated。Hangzhou、Tianjin、The overall performance of cities such as Nanjing and Beijing、Shanghai and other leading cities are getting closer,Lower cities are closer to leading cities。


Figure 1 Dispersion of innovation environment scores in participating cities

  3. The supply of inclusive finance continues to increase,Small and medium-sized enterprise financing satisfaction has improved。

Each participating city passed the establishment of risk compensation fund,Guide a wider range of financial resources to serve the development of the real economy,Promote financial institutions to optimize internal resource allocation and policy arrangements,Establish a long-term mechanism for those who dare to lend, are willing to lend, can lend and will lend,Increase willingness to serve small and micro enterprises、Capacity and Sustainability。

The supply of inclusive small and micro enterprise loans continues to grow。According to statistics,The balance of inclusive small and micro enterprise loans at the end of 2021 increased by nearly 25% year-on-year,The average interest rate of newly issued inclusive small and micro enterprise loans in 2021 will drop by nearly 0% compared with 2020.2 percentage points;The average proportion of inclusive small and micro enterprise loan balances in the total balance of RMB loans in participating cities is 7.2%,The average growth rate is 26.9%。The effect of policy financing guarantee continues to be released。According to statistics,The average guarantee amount of participating cities increased from 62 in 2019.7.3 billion yuan increased to 83 in 2021.8.4 billion yuan,The average annual growth rate is 15.61%,23 cities achieved continuous growth;The average guarantee rate increased from 1 in 2019.56% down to 1 in 2021.03%,Rates continue to decrease in 31 cities。Various policies and measures form a synergy,Promote the continuous alleviation of the problem of difficult and expensive financing。Questionnaire display,40 companies are very satisfied with the financing environment.23%,42 satisfied companies.89%,Financing satisfaction has generally improved compared with the previous year。


Figure 2 Average policy financing guarantee amount and guarantee rate in participating cities from 2019 to 2021

  4.The pace of cultivating high-quality enterprises continues to accelerate,Specialized and special new enterprises show stronger development resilience。

General Secretary Xi Jinping requested in his congratulatory letter to the 2022 National Conference on the Development of Specialized, Specialized and New Small and Medium-sized Enterprises,Focus on promoting corporate innovation,Strengthening property rights protection,Inspire the emergence of more specialized and new small and medium-sized enterprises。Evaluation dafabet live casinodisplay,All participating cities will speed up the implementation of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology’s “Interim Measures for the Gradient Cultivation and Management of High-Quality Small and Medium-sized Enterprises”,By improving the policy support system、Strengthen financial support、Continuous innovation, cultivation and service measures, etc.,Firmly support small and medium-sized enterprises in taking a new path of specialization and development。Participating cities have cultivated more than 20,000 provincial-level specialized and innovative small and medium-sized enterprises,The number of specialized, special and new “little giant” companies has increased from 905 in 2020 to the current 4.572 families,Accounting for 50 of the total number in the country.8%,The average annual growth rate is as high as 124.77%。Among them,Wuhan、Shenzhen、Hangzhou、The five cities of Jinan and Changsha have seen significant growth,The average annual growth rate exceeds 190%。


Figure 3 Number of specialized, new “little giant” companies across the country and participating cities

Under the influence of the epidemic,Specialized, special and new small and medium-sized enterprises show stronger development resilience,By focusing on the main business,Intensive farming,Improving the stability of the industrial chain and supply chain、Play an important role in promoting economic and social development。According to statistics,Ninety percent of the nation’s specialized, new “little giant” enterprises are concentrated in the manufacturing industry,Operating income in 2021 increased by more than 30% year-on-year,The growth rate is about 11 percentage points higher than that of small and medium-sized industrial enterprises above designated size;Operating income profit margin exceeds 10%,About 4 percentage points higher than that of small and medium-sized industrial enterprises above designated size。Display of questionnaire survey on participating cities,Specialized, new, small and medium-sized enterprises,47.20% of companies have plans to introduce talents in the next year,67.74% of companies have innovative R&D plans,Exceeding the average level of sample companies by 16 and 25 percentage points respectively。

  5.Support the continuous strengthening of policy publicity and popularization,Relief for enterprises continues to be effective。

In recent years,The state has intensively issued a series of policies to support the development of small, medium and micro enterprises,These policies and measures are highly targeted、Wide coverage、High synergy,Effectively promote the solution of practical difficulties faced by small, medium and micro enterprises。All participating cities actively implement various corporate relief policies,Achieve positive results。

Questionnaire survey display,The publicity, popularization and implementation of the policy to assist enterprises in relieving difficulties are relatively good。About 80% of companies said they were aware of the relevant policies;Deferred payment of pension, unemployment and work-related injury insurance premiums、Policies such as housing provident fund and medical insurance premium deferral have the widest coverage,Nearly 50% of companies actually enjoy it;Corporate income tax and value-added tax exemption、Local “six taxes and two fees” exemption、VAT tax refund and other tax policies are valuable,Nearly 70% of companies have benefited;"Water, electricity and gas will be supplied without interruption"、High satisfaction with policies such as one-time job retention training subsidies,Among the companies that have already enjoyed the policy,About 70% said they were very satisfied or satisfied。Under field investigation,Many small, medium and micro enterprises hope to maintain policy continuity,Create more space and time for enterprises to recuperate。


Figure 4 Awareness of corporate bailout policies

  6. Promoting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises has received great attention,Creating an environment and increasing support has become the focus of government work。

Evaluation display,Since the evaluation work was carried out in 2019,The party committees, governments and relevant departments of all participating cities shall thoroughly implement the Party Central Committee、Decision-making and deployment of the State Council,Compare the relevant requirements of the "Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion Law",Continuously strengthen the emphasis on optimizing the development environment for small and medium-sized enterprises。

Construction of work coordination mechanism,Taiyuan、Hohhot、Fuzhou、Five cities including Haikou and Lhasa have newly established leading groups to promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises,As of now,A total of 35 cities have established leading groups,Give full play to the role of organizational leadership and policy coordination in promoting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises。Some cities continue to innovate work systems and mechanisms,Continuously strengthen the organizational system that supports the development of small and medium-sized enterprises,If Nanchang City is officially established at the end of 2021、District Small and Medium Enterprise Service Bureau。

Financial support,Changsha、Taiyuan、Urumqi、Lhasa and other 4 cities have newly established special funds for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in the budget of the fiscal or small and medium-sized enterprise departments at the same level,Shanghai、Hefei、Xiamen、Changsha、Guiyang、13 cities including Shenyang newly established small and medium-sized enterprise development funds。As of now,All participating cities have set up special funds in the budget of the fiscal or small and medium-sized enterprise departments at the same level,More than half of participating cities set up funds。

Public service system construction,As of now,Participating cities have a total of 488 national public service demonstration platforms for small and medium-sized enterprises,241 National Small and Micro Enterprise Entrepreneurship and Innovation Demonstration Bases,33 participating cities have set up small and medium-sized enterprise service (promotion) centers。

The scope of third-party assessment of the development environment of small and medium-sized enterprises continues to expand across the country。According to statistics,Driven by the national assessment work,Beijing、Shanghai、Chongqing、Hebei、Shanxi、Inner Mongolia、Fujian、Hunan、Sichuan、Guizhou、Jiangxi、Guangxi、Hainan、Shaanxi、Gansu、Qinghai、Ningxia and other 17 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities in accordance with the requirements of the "Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion Law",Carry out regional assessment based on actual conditions,A nationwide Dafabet reviewsSME development environment assessment system is gradually taking shape。

  (3) Evaluation results of various first-level indicators

 1. Market environment assessment results

Market environment is determined by market access、Element Guarantee、Government Services、Market entities、Five secondary indicators of fair competition。Evaluation display,Shenzhen、Guangzhou、Nanjing、Shanghai、Hangzhou scores among the top 5,The cities ranked 6-10 are Ningbo、Xiamen、Wuhan、Qingdao、Fuzhou。

 2. Rule of law environmental assessment results

The legal environment is relieved by rights and interests、Administrative law enforcement、Judicial protection consists of three secondary indicators。Evaluation display,Shenzhen、Nanjing、Guangzhou、Xiamen、Shanghai scores among the top 5,The cities ranked 6-10 are Hangzhou、Changsha、Qingdao、Beijing、Tianjin。

  3. Financing environment assessment results

The financing environment is obtained by loans、Credit and Guarantee、Venture Investment、Four secondary indicators of financing satisfaction。Evaluation display,Shanghai、Shenzhen、Hangzhou、Ningbo、Beijing scores among the top 5,The cities ranked 6-10 are Guangzhou、Nanjing、Xiamen、Changsha、Xi’an。

  4. Innovation environment assessment results

The innovation environment consists of innovation carriers、Human Resources、Innovation investment、Achievement output consists of 4 secondary indicators。Evaluation display,Beijing、Hangzhou、Tianjin、Shenzhen、Shanghai scores among the top 5,The cities ranked 6-10 are Xi’an、Nanjing、Wuhan、Guangzhou、Zhengzhou。

 5. Policy environment assessment results

The policy environment is led by the organization、Financial Support、Service Promotion、Enterprise cultivation、Five secondary indicators for policy implementation。Evaluation display,Shanghai、Xiamen、Shenzhen、Beijing、Guangzhou scores among the top 5,The cities ranked 6-10 are Chongqing、Nanjing、Changsha、Hefei、Hangzhou。

 三、Participating in urban optimization small and medium-sized enterprises

Main experiences and practices in developing environment

  First, create a fair competitive market environment。Shenzhen deepens the reform of government procurement system,By promoting electronic bidding、Standardize margin management, etc.,Ensuring that small, medium and micro enterprises can enjoy policy dividends fairly。Wuhan City vigorously promotes the credit repair pilot of market entities,Give companies the opportunity to repair their credit in a timely manner,Effectively create an inclusive and prudent regulatory environment。Dalian City launches “barrier-free approval、Regulation does not interfere with “integrated innovation”,From lowering the threshold、Reduce the process、Comprehensive efforts in cost saving and other aspects,Further stimulate the vitality of enterprise innovation and entrepreneurship。

  The second is to build a legalized business environment。Beijing establishes “12345” working model,Working model through "one coordinating mechanism", "two-way clue investigation", "three implementation methods", "four complaint channels" and "five laws and regulations",Ensure that the special action to prevent and resolve arrears of accounts to small and medium-sized enterprises is implemented。Hefei City establishes an effective docking mechanism between people’s mediation and judicial confirmation,Providing “one-stop rights protection services” for intellectual property rights,Improving the legal effectiveness of civil mediation for intellectual property rights in small and medium-sized enterprises。Wuhan City establishes a legalized business environment joint conference system,Make good use of the "baton" of rule of law performance appraisal,Find out the key points and key points for the development of judicial service enterprises。

  The third is to build an inclusive financial ecosystem。Xiamen City establishes a technological innovation fund to implement “fiscal policy + financial tools”,Guide financial institutions to accurately allocate credit funds to small, medium and micro enterprises,Using policies to leverage financial capital to serve small and medium-sized enterprises。Guangzhou creates a full life cycle intellectual property financing model for technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises,Financing through the whole life cycle of "investment funds - pledge financing - securitization - listing guidance",Promote the improvement of the efficiency of intellectual property financial services。Jinan City implements financial counselor system,Select service specialists from financial institutions and other service organizations,Implementation is not fixed、Cross Service Mode,Opening up the “last mile” of financial services to the real economy。

  The fourth is to improve the enterprise innovation system and mechanism。Beijing's small, medium and micro enterprises "use first and pay later" and "zero threshold" to use scientific and technological achievements,Promote the industrialization of high-quality invention patents and speed up the implementation。Chongqing focuses on key technology needs of key industrial chains,Relying on the High-tech Industry Research Institute and the Specialized and New Enterprise Development Fund,Building a small and medium-sized enterprise cultivation system of "main hospital + branch hospital" and "mother fund + sub-fund"。Hefei City actively introduces scientific and technological resources from domestic and foreign universities and research institutes,Co-build a high-level collaborative innovation platform。Yinchuan City adopts the “government + alliance + service provider + enterprise” model,Building an industrial ecosystem for digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises。

  The fifth is to create a talent support system。Hangzhou issued “37 Talent Ecosystem Measures”,Introduction and training around peak talents、System and mechanism reform, etc.,Proposed four major projects and seven major plans,Actively create a talent highland。Nanning City establishes the country’s first “intelligent talent” integrated service platform,Realize cross-department data sharing、Business collaboration,Achieving process rotation and talent “one time without running”。Tianjin deepens the “through-train” mechanism for professional title review of private enterprises,Launching a special service of "Professional Title Evaluation for Scientific and Technological Innovation Enterprises" for key listed enterprises.,Effectively improve the innovation strength and market competitiveness of enterprises。

  Sixth is precise service, specialized and special new enterprise。Ningbo City builds “Ningbo Business Industry, University and Research Service Platform”,Integrate high-quality resources to launch "customized services",Open up the industry-university-research collaborative innovation chain for specialized, specialized and new enterprises。Qingdao builds an integrated innovation ecosystem for large, medium and small enterprises,Through the "chain master" enterprise line、Benchmark Enterprise Tour、Matching activities with universities, institutions, etc.,Solving the problem of "intermediate obstruction" in cooperation,Promote specialized and special new enterprise card slots to be added to the chain。Tianjin establishes "Specialized Special New Board",Provide tiered services for listed companies,Continue to increase the efforts of high-quality small and medium-sized enterprises to connect with the capital market。

  The seventh is to improve the service system for small and medium-sized enterprises。Shenzhen City establishes a leading group for enterprise service work,Focus on building the city’s “group service” and “cloud service” working structure。Changchun City strengthens top-level planning,Strive to build a municipal group、9 major industry groups、“1+9+17” “Trinity” WeChat service group matrix of 17 territorial groups,Provide "instant response" and "instant response" to questions raised by small and medium-sized enterprises。Nanjing City builds "Quality Station",Follow the small footprint、Low investment、Great effect、Principle of convenience,Integrate quality all-factor resources to provide "one-stop" services to small, medium and micro enterprises。

  The eighth is to strengthen policies to benefit enterprises and enjoy them directly。Qingdao City builds "Qingdao Policy Communication" platform,Achieve "one-stop release、One bite interpretation、Cash in one bite、One-stop service、One bite review”,Create a convenient and efficient “through train” for policy implementation。Nanjing builds “Ningqitong” platform,Achieve comprehensive acceptance of matters benefiting enterprises、Precise push,Urban linkage、Collaborative Approval,Promote policy "direct access、Direct” and corporate “intuition”、Direct enjoyment”。Shanghai explores the creation of a new model of “governing taxation by numbers” to optimize service enterprises,Continuously improve the efficiency of data sharing, sharing and governance,Ensure that various tax incentives are implemented。

In addition,Also found during evaluation,Some areas still have some shortcomings in optimizing the development environment for small and medium-sized enterprises,Mainly including insufficient efforts to promote and stimulate the vitality of small and medium-sized enterprises,Enterprise cost burden is still heavy,The level of government service capabilities needs to be further improved,Weak ability to use and protect intellectual property rights,Digital transformation support policies and service effects need to be enhanced, etc.。

  [1] The national totals refer to statistical data from the Torch Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology、State Intellectual Property Office statistics

[2] Data source: China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission statistics

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Source: China Small and Medium Enterprises Development Promotion Center

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