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Article selector: Liu Jia    |  Release date: 2022-01-27   |   Number of visits: 1064    
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Ministry of Industry and Information Technology survey showsHigh satisfaction with the policies for small and medium-sized enterprises

"Recently the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has announced 2.50,000 small and medium-sized enterprises survey questionnaire,85.1% of companies believe that the development environment has improved,85% of companies believe that the financing environment has improved,92% of enterprises believe that the tax burden has been reduced。" Xu Xiaolan, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said recently,Overall,SMEs have a relatively high sense of policy attainment and satisfaction。

Xu Xiaolan said,SMEs have withstood high raw material prices in the past year、Insufficient order、Tested by complex and severe situations such as epidemics and floods,Maintain stability and resume growth。January-November 2021,Operating income of small and medium-sized industrial enterprises above designated size、Total profit increased by 20% year-on-year respectively.7%、28.2%;Average growth of 9 in two years.8%、17.dafabet live casino1%,further reflects the resilience and vitality of small and medium-sized enterprises。Helping small and medium-sized enterprises out of difficulties、Various policies to promote the stable and healthy development of small and medium-sized enterprises have achieved positive results,Mainly reflected in the following aspects——

  First, tax cuts and fee reductions are further intensified,1 trillion yuan in new tax cuts and fee reductions for 2021。Continue to implement the policy of reducing the VAT collection rate for small-scale taxpayers from 3% to 1%,Raise the value-added tax threshold from 100,000 yuan to 150,000 yuan,For small low-profit enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households, the income tax will be halved on the basis of the original preferential treatment,Implementing tax deferral measures for small, medium and micro enterprises in the manufacturing industry。

  The second is to further increase financing support,As of the end of 2021,The number of inclusive small and micro credit accounts exceeds 44 million,Inclusive small and micro loan balance increased by 27% year-on-year.3%。Added 300 billion yuan in small-scale re-loan quota,Support local corporate banks to increase loans to small and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households。Lower interest rates for refinancing to support agriculture and small businesses,Convert the two direct tools into market-oriented policy tools to support small and micro enterprises。The weighted average interest rate of newly issued inclusive small and micro enterprise loans in November 2021 is 4.98%,Down by 0 from December 2020.1 percentage point。

  The third is to further support enterprises to stabilize and expand employment。Continue to implement stable job returns、Work-replacing training and other policies and measures,Increase the return of unemployment insurance to small, medium and micro enterprises,Increase the refund ratio from 50% to 60%,Continue to implement phased reductions in unemployment and work-related injury insurance premiums。The first 11 months of 2021,A total of 82.7 billion yuan was spent on various employment subsidies,Distribute unemployment insurance to 3.26 million companies to stabilize employment and return 19.2 billion yuan in funds。

  The fourth is to further increase the support for “specialized, special and new”。Introduced to cultivate and develop high-quality manufacturing enterprises、Policy documents on improving the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises,The central government has newly added funds to support "specialized, special and innovative" high-quality development,Arrange 3.5 billion yuan to support the high-quality development of more than 1,300 specialized and new "little giant" enterprises。

 The fifth is to further increase efforts to clean up arrears。Issued the "Interim Measures to Protect Payment Complaints Handling Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises",Promote the establishment of a long-term mechanism to protect the payment of small and medium-sized enterprises。Require all central enterprises to take the lead,Further in-depth and practical work to clean up the accounts owed to small and medium-sized enterprises,Pay private enterprises in full and on time、SME Accounts。

Source: People’s Daily (Reporter Wang Zheng)

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