首page> Platform News>Small and medium-sized enterprises in Hohhot are moving towards “specialization, specialization and innovation”



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Article selector: Liu Jia    |  Release date: 2021-12-16   |   Number of visits: 1017    
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In recent years,Hohhot City has improved the coordination mechanism to promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises,Continuously improve the construction of public service system,Strive to alleviate financing problems,Optimize the enterprise development environment,Guarantee the stable and healthy development of small and medium-sized enterprises,The development scale of small, medium and micro enterprises has been growing、Remarkable employment benefits、Profitability is gradually increasing、Good situation with accelerating pace of technological innovation。

The first half of this year,8166 newly registered small and micro enterprises in Hohhot City,Currently there are 94,190 small and micro enterprises in the city。 The overall development quality and efficiency are steadily improving,The vitality of various market entities continues to increase,The ability to absorb employment is further developed,Further solidifying its supporting role in economic development。

Since 2019,Hohhot City has added a special fund for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises of 10 million yuan per year,Focus on supporting the cultivation and construction of public service systems for small and medium-sized enterprises、Financing service system construction、Talent training for small and medium-sized enterprises、Government purchase of public services, etc.,Create a better environment for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises。Secured 15 dafabet casino mobile appDafabet reviewsmillion yuan in guiding funds for "Guarantee Fund Loan" for small, medium and micro enterprises、Small and micro enterprise financing guarantee business fee reduction, reward and subsidy funds 1065.660,000 yuan,Effectively alleviates the financing difficulties of small, medium and micro enterprises、The problem of expensive financing。Successfully approved as a pilot city for the 2020 financial support to deepen the comprehensive reform of comprehensive financial services for private and small and micro enterprises,Received 50 million yuan in central fiscal pilot city reward funds in 2020,Used to support financial services to the real economy。2020 National Special Supervision to Reduce Enterprise Burdens and Promote the Development of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises,Hohhot’s “guaranteed loan” financing work was listed as a typical experience for nationwide promotion。

Focusing on improving the innovation capabilities and professionalism of small and medium-sized enterprises,Hohhot City actively guides small and medium-sized enterprises to take a new development path of specialization,Accelerate the pace of cultivating specialties and new talents。As of now,Has successfully cultivated 2 national-level specialized and new “little giant” enterprises,12 autonomous region-level specialized and new “little giant” enterprises,And strive for 9 million yuan in reward funds。At the same time, we will make every effort to cultivate companies to go public,The "Several Measures of the Hohhot Municipal Government on Strengthening the Work of Enterprise Listings" and the "Implementation Plan for the IPO Cultivation of Seed Enterprises during the "14th Five-Year Plan"" were issued,Increase the cultivation of reserve enterprises,Improving reward and subsidy policies at all stages of enterprise cultivation and listing。Open "green channel",Adopt a through-train approach such as "one case, one discussion"、Customized service measures,Actively help enterprises clear "blocking points"、Crack dafabet casino mobile appthe “difficulties”、Connect "breakpoint",Provide a good environment for companies to go public。

This year,Hohhot Municipal Party Committee、The municipal government attaches great importance to the feedback on the development environment assessment of small and medium-sized enterprises in 2020,Questions for feedback,Decompose tasks,Refined implementation,immediate change。Further smoothing the channels for small and medium-sized enterprises to complain and protect their rights,Set up a small and medium-sized enterprise payment complaint reporting hotline on the small and medium-sized enterprise public service window platform,Establish a special mechanism,Coordinate solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises with government agencies at all levels、Public institution、Contract payment issues during the signing and performance of contracts by central and state-owned enterprises。The city’s 68 business- and citizen-related government services and complaint lines have all been integrated into the 12345 government service convenience hotline,Form a "No. 1 external" work pattern that handles complaints as soon as they are received,The completion rate remains above 95%。At the same time, vigorously promote the work of repaying the accounts owed by the government and state-owned enterprises to private enterprises。Last year,The city has paid off a total of 84 accounts of private enterprises.8.9 billion yuan,72 of which have no differences in arrears.800 million yuan,Comprehensively completed the task of repaying the undisputed arrears in the accounts owed to private enterprises required by the country and the autonomous region。

Comprehensively deepening the reform of “delegating power, delegating power, delegating power, delegating power, delegating power and optimizing services”,Comprehensive improvement of the level of “Internet + government services”,Hohhot City promotes one-stop service and full electronic registration for business establishment,Domestic-funded enterprise dafabet casino mobile appDafabet reviewsestablishment registration can be completed online,Self-service printing of business license,Achieve “zero face-to-face” license application;Promote the reform of separating licenses and licenses,Enterprise pre-approval items reduced from 190 to 32。The average processing time for business establishment is 0.5 working days,87 shorter than the 4 working days required by the national travel restrictions.5%。The whole process of starting a business is “zero cost”,Save more than 1,200 yuan for each new business。Officially launched 24-hour self-service litigation service station,Establishing a green channel for enterprises,Promote online case handling,Enable enterprises to enjoy convenient services。

Source: Inner Mongolia Daily (Reporter Liu Yang, Correspondent Zhang Lifu)

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