首page> Announcement Notice>The Autonomous Region Industry and Information Technology Department's "About Recommendation of the 2019 Autonomous Region Level Small and Medium Enterprises Public Service Demonstration Platform"



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Article selector: Guo Hongli    |  Release date: 2019-10-11   |   Number of visits: 1000    
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"About recommending the autonomous region level in 2019

Notice of Public Service Demonstration Platform for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

Economic and Information Technology Commission of each league city、Small and Medium Enterprises Bureau,Manzhouli City、Erenhot City Economic and Information Technology Commission、Small and Medium Enterprises Bureau:

In order to implement the State Council、Policies and Measures of the People’s Government of the Autonomous Region to Promote the Development of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises,Promote the construction of public service platform for small and medium-sized enterprises in our district,Support the healthy development of small and medium-sized enterprises,Based on the provisions of the "Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Small and Medium Enterprises Public Service Demonstration Platform Certification and Management Measures" (Neijing Xinfu Zhizi [2018] No. 396),The relevant matters regarding the recommendation of the autonomous region-level small and medium-sized enterprise public service demonstration platform (hereinafter referred to as the demonstration platform) in 2019 are hereby notified as follows:

一、The number of demonstration platforms recommended by each league city shall dafabet casino mobile appnot exceed 10,Manzhouli、The number of recommended demonstration platforms in Erenhot City shall not exceed 3。

二、Conditions for recognition of demonstration platform、The application procedures and application materials must be implemented in accordance with the "Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Small and Medium Enterprises Public Service Demonstration Platform Accreditation and Management Measures" (Neijing Xinfu Zhizi [2018] No. 396),The "Management Measures" can be downloaded from the website of the Autonomous Region Industry and Information Technology Department。

三、The "Management Measures" have been modified from a review every three years to a validity period of three years for each certification。The first (1-5) batch of demonstration platforms recognized before January 2017 has been 3 years old,Expiration date expired,Please organize a re-application this year with the newly cultivated and certified demonstration platforms in each league and city。The 6th batch of demonstration platforms,Can apply again in the year when the validity period expires。The national demonstration platforms currently in process are not included in the scope of this application。

四、All league cities are requested to make recommendations in accordance with the relevant requirements of the "Management Measures",Organize carefully、Strict standards、Ensure quality、Report on time。Recommended platform application reports must be carefully reviewed,Based on the evaluation of its service performance,Make recommendations。

五、All league cities are requested to submit recommended documents before March 20、"Summary Table of Recommended Public Service Demonstration Platforms for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises at the Autonomous Region Level" (see attachment)、The "Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Small and Medium Enterprises Public Service Demonstration Platform Recommendation Form" and paper documents such as dafabet live casinothe application materials of the recommended units should be submitted to the Autonomous Region Industry and Information Technology Department in duplicate (including electronic document CDs of all materials)。

Six、The public service demonstration platform for small and medium-sized enterprises is an important carrier for carrying out service work for small and medium-sized enterprises,Is an important part of the public service system for small and medium-sized enterprises,And has been included in the "Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region High-quality Development of Emerging Industries Implementation Plan (2018-2020) Support Scope",Therefore, the demonstration platforms recommended by each league city should be based on innovative service models,Gather innovative resources,Promote the integration of online and offline services,Promote accurate connection between services and needs,Stimulate the innovation vitality of small and medium-sized enterprises、Development potential and transformation motivation,has outstanding characteristics and demonstrations in promoting innovation-driven development。Our department will organize experts to review dafabet live casinothe application materials of each league city,The review focuses on the above conditions,Perform scoring and sorting,The results will be announced on the website of the Autonomous Region Industry and Information Technology Department in order。

Contact: Zhang Xiaochun, Service Director of the Department of Industry and Information Technology

Contact number: 0471-4825146       Mail  Editor: 010098

Contact address: Room 842, Party and Government Complex Building, No. 1, Chilechuan Street, Hohhot City

Attachment: Summary table of recommended public service demonstration platforms for small and medium-sized enterprises in the autonomous region

 February 20, 2019

 Attachment:Recommended autonomous dafabet casino mobile appregion small and medium-sized enterprise public service demonstration platform summary table

Name of recommended unit in League City:


 Serial number

  Platform name

Service organization name

Application for demonstration platform service function category(no more than 3)

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