首page> Picture News>Key work arrangements for 2019 by the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region



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Article selector: Guo Hongli    |  Release date: 2019-02-26   |   Number of visits: 1072    
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     The overall idea of ​​the district’s industrial and information work in 2019 is to implement the high-quality development opinions of the Party Central Committee,Insisting on development as the first priority,To deepen supply-side structural reform as the main line,Focus on vigorously revitalizing the real economy,Continue to dafabet online sports betting appPromote high-quality industrial development,Gradually build a modern industrial system。Focus on the following aspects。

    (1) Make every effort to ensure good industrial operation。Mainly focus on two tasks: industrial operation and electric power operation:

    Industrial operation,Establish a unified industrial operation data dispatching platform for the entire region,Achieve major industrial indicators、Leading indicator、Enterprise Operation、Project Construction、Infrastructure and other key data are centralized、Integration、Share。Analyze industrial operation status by monthly scheduling,To the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region、The government proposes policy suggestions。

    Power operation,Working hard to improve the multilateral electricity trading mechanism、Power transmission and distribution price reform、Implementing preferential electricity prices、Reduce general industrial and commercial electricity prices、Based on conventional work such as coal and electricity linkage mechanism,Focus on the following five tasks: First, expand the scale of multilateral power transactions,Strive to exceed 140 billion kilowatt hours,Reduce enterprise electricity costs by 8.8 billion yuan。The second is to formulate regional differentiated preferential electricity price policies,With differential electricity price,Promote adjustment and optimization of industrial layout,Promote industrial agglomeration and intensive development。The third is to improve the power spot trading rules,Start trial operation of spot trading of electricity in western Inner Mongolia Power Grid。The fourth is to cooperate with the National Development and Reform Commission to improve the inverted electricity price policy,Focus on formulating preferential policies for enterprises with electricity consumption of more than 3 billion kilowatt hours。The fifth is to cooperate with the Energy Bureau to promote 15 industrial parks that have entered the national pilot scope,Carry out incremental power distribution business reform。Pass the above measures,Strive to reduce corporate electricity costs by more than 15 billion yuan,Reduce losses of thermal power companies by 2 billion yuan。

    (2) Focus on project construction、Promote investment growth。Implement several policies to support high-quality industrial development,Attract projects to be implemented、Promote investment growth,Promote the construction of 670 key industrial projects with a total investment of 860 billion yuan throughout the year,Strive to start 260 new projects,180 units completed,Completed investment of more than 150 billion yuan。First, several policies focusing on supporting high-quality industrial development,Hurry up and select the reported support projects,Strive to release most support funds in March-April。The second is to change the support method,Mainly based on past post-event rewards,Step by step to the future、Support equal emphasis on transformation afterwards,Further leveraging corporate investment。At the same time,Implement unified bidding to determine the evaluation agency model,dafabet online sports betting appShorten the review process。The third is the autonomous region industrial transformation and development fund to be established,Strive to support a number of key industrial projects in the second half of the year。The fourth is to strengthen reserve projects、Improve preliminary work,In principle, in the future, support projects for the next year will be reported before the end of each year。

    (3) Accelerate the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry。Insist on accelerating the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry、Optimizing the manufacturing structure as the main direction of high-quality industrial development,Create a strong manufacturing area。

    Promote the development of mid-to-high-end traditional manufacturing。First, research and formulation based on chemical industry、Metallurgy、Building Materials、Implementation plan for the high-quality development of traditional industries focusing on the processing of agricultural and livestock products。The second is to promote production capacity replacement,The focus is to promote the 1.13 million tons of Jinlian aluminum under construction、Baiyinhua 520,000 tons、Chuangyuan Metal’s 190,000 tons of electrolytic aluminum and the proposed Mintuo 2 million tons of steel、Desheng 2 million tons of steel、Xufeng Ferroalloy 2 million tons coking、Hengkun 1.3 million tons of coking and other project capacity replacement,Support the transfer of cement production capacity outside the region。The third is to vigorously eliminate backward production capacity,Putting out all those that do not comply with industrial policies,Failed to meet mandatory energy consumption、Environmental protection、Quality、Safety、Technical and other indicators and standard requirements,Deadline rectification,Still not up to standard after rectification,Shut down and exit according to law。

    Develop and expand emerging industries。Implement the implementation plan for high-quality development of emerging industries,Focus on promoting the investment of 272.5 billion yuan included in the three-year rolling plan、301 project construction,Strive to increase output value by 24 billion yuan in 2019,14% increase。Promote the establishment of a National Innovation Center for Rare Earth Functional Materials,Start preparations for the establishment of autonomous region Mongolian medicine and traditional Chinese medicine、Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Innovation Center,Promote technological innovation capabilities in emerging industries。Supports 30 first sets、First batch of products。

    Promote green industrial development。First, implement green manufacturing projects,Strive to reach 50 autonomous region-level green factories、10 green parks、20 green design products、3 green supply chains;The number of national green factories reaches 25、6 green parks、15 green design products、Green supply chain 2。In ferrosilicon、Rare earth and other industries have formulated more than 10 local standards for green manufacturing。The second is to carry out in-depth development of key energy-consuming units "Operation Hundreds and Thousands",Decompose and implement energy saving and consumption reduction tasks,Implement energy utilization status reporting system,Strengthening energy conservation monitoring,Implementing the tiered electricity price policy。The third is to implement the rectification tasks of the central environmental protection inspection,Support 30 environmental protection infrastructure projects,Strive to build 10 sewage treatment plants in the park,Basically completed the rectification tasks;16 centralized heating projects completed,5 new construction starts;37 slag yards built,12 new construction starts。On this basis,Support a batch of park roads、Water supply、Power supply and other infrastructure projects。

    dafabet online sports betting appPromote high-quality development of industrial parks。Establish an assessment and evaluation index system for high-quality development of industrial parks,Carry out the first batch of autonomous region-level industrial park certification,And implement the reward policy。Cooperate with housing construction、The land and resources department shall do a good job in approving the four major scopes of the park、Promote high-quality development of industrial parks。

    (4) Accelerate the construction of informatization。Focus on promoting "deep integration of informatization and informatization"、Developing the Industrial Internet、Strengthen radio management,Coordinate and promote the construction of communication network infrastructure and the construction of the autonomous region’s e-government cloud platform。

    In terms of "deep integration of informatization and informatization"。Promote the extension of the "integration of informatization and informatization" benchmarking work to enterprises that have been upgraded to regulatory standards and innovative enterprises that have fallen below regulatory standards,Strive to complete the benchmarking work of 600 enterprises,Continue to select enterprises to establish national “integration of industrialization and informatization” pilot demonstration enterprises,The number of enterprises striving to enter the integration improvement stage and innovation breakthrough stage of "integration of informatization and informatization" in the region accounts for more than 15% of all benchmarking enterprises。Recognize and support a number of intelligent workshops (digital production lines)、Smart Factory。

    Industrial Internet。First, carry out in-depth the “Thousands of Enterprises to Cloud” campaign,Building the autonomous region’s “Thousands of Enterprises on the Cloud” system,Strive to put it into operation in the first half of the year,Five major areas online、76 types of services、Thousands of cloud application products,Provide one-stop shop for enterprises、Comprehensive cloud services,2,700 new Dengyun enterprises,A total of 7,000 households。The second is to cultivate the first batch of 3-5 industrial Internet integration solutions、Consulting Services、Data service provider,Form 10 industrial Internet integrated solutions。The third is to support the construction of industrial Internet platform,Focus on promoting new rare earth materials、Ulanqab Energy Management and Control Platform Phase II、Ordos Coal Industry、Chifeng Traditional Chinese and Mongolian Medicine、Xing'an League agricultural and livestock products processing、Horqin Cattle Industry、Construction of a total of 7 industrial Internet platforms for Inner Mongolia air compressor economic index。The fourth is to build a big data platform for new energy vehicle monitoring in the autonomous region’s public domain,Realizing new energy vehicle motors in the public sector、Electronic control、Collection of battery and other working data,And online monitoring of vehicle operation。

    E-government platform construction。Promote the extension of e-government extranet to Sumu towns (streets),Strive to have more than 85% of Sumu towns (subdistricts) connected to the e-government extranet。Continue to promote autonomous regions、Construction of a two-level government information resource sharing and exchange platform in the league and city、Department access、Data sharing and openness,Strive for 12 league cities and Manzhouli City、Erenhot City、More than 50% of departments in the autonomous region access the platform,Shared data exceeds 20 million pieces,Complete the development and launch of the data sharing portal and data open portal。Start the IPV6 transformation project of Meng City’s e-government extranet。Integrating scattered government disaster recovery databases,Building an autonomous region government extranet data disaster recovery center。

    Information infrastructure。Promote dafabet casino mobile appuniversal telecommunications services,Start the implementation of the administrative village 4G wireless network construction project,Strive to achieve more than 90% coverage of 4G wireless network administrative villages in the district。Promote Hohhot to become a national Internet backbone direct connection point,Strive to achieve 5000Gbps Internet outbound bandwidth within this year。

    Radio management。First, in accordance with the national 5G communication frequency plan,Start the review 2515MHz—2675MHz、3400MHz-3600MHz、4800MHz-4900MHz frequency band cleaning work;Pair 1.Comprehensive verification of 8GHz band wireless access systems and medium wave broadcasting stations;Carry out on-site verification of electromagnetic environment in border areas,Ensure that all information on the 20 satellite earth stations planned and submitted to ITU for review is accurate and complete。 The second is to increase the investigation and punishment of illegal station setting and radio interference,The investigation and handling rate of harmful interference incidents reaches 100%;Continue to cooperate with relevant departments to deal with "pseudo base stations"、Crackdown on "Black Broadcasting";Strengthen technical drills,Ensuring radio communication security for major events such as the 70th anniversary celebration of the founding of the People's Republic of China。The third is to build 41 fixed monitoring stations,Reduce banner counties、Special scenes and monitoring coverage blind spots at border ports。Fourth is update and optimization 11.60,000 station database information,Continuous monitoring of the 30MHz-3000MHz frequency band throughout the region,Accumulate basic data for the integrated radio management platform,Realize deep data mining and intelligent monitoring。 

    (5) Promote the healthy development of small, medium and micro enterprises。Continuing to hold small and medium-sized enterprise policy lectures、Improve the service level of public service platform、Implementing “electronic service coupons”、Held the 10th SME Financing Matchmaking Conference、Based on the work of newly cultivating 10 "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" demonstration bases,Focus on three tasks。First, implement the “Specialized, Specialized, Special and New” small and medium-sized enterprise cultivation project。Develop a promotion plan,Establish a cultivation enterprise database,Strive to cultivate 200 growing small and micro enterprises within the year、150 “Specialized, Specialized and New” Demonstration Enterprises、50 "Little Giant" Enterprises。The second is to improve the “guaranteed loan” fund management model。Carry out performance evaluation of the use of "guaranteed loan" funds,Increase financial support for “guaranteed loans” in league cities。Establish a fund supervision system for the autonomous region’s “guaranteed loans”,Entrust autonomous region-level financial institutions to supervise the use of funds。The third is to strongly support enterprises to enter the regulations。Proactively coordinate with the statistics department,Promote solutions to substandard operating income、Problems with enterprise entry regulations such as incomplete requirements,Strive to add 200 newly registered enterprises,Implement the reward policy for new companies entering the regulation。

    (6) Comprehensively promote reform tasks。Focus on promoting eight reform tasks: First, study and propose an implementation plan for high-quality development of traditional industries;The second is to establish a chief service officer system for industrial parks;The third is to establish an assessment and evaluation index system for high-quality development of industrial parks;The fourth is to launch the pilot spot trading of electricity;The fifth is to formulate an implementation plan for the electricity price linkage mechanism in key industries;The sixth is dafabet live casinoto establish and improve the "guaranteed loan" fund supervision system;The seventh is to improve the evaluation methods for industrial project investment subsidies;The eighth is to apply for the creation of Baotou "Made in China 2025" demonstration city。

    (7) Vigorously optimize the business environment。Implement the spirit of the region’s conference on promoting high-quality development of the private economy,Establishing a joint responsibility system for department leaders,Form 4 working groups,Each group is led by a leader in charge、3 departments are responsible for it、Including 3 alliance cities,Grading and classifying promote the solution of industrial enterprise operation problems、Financing issues、Problems with project start procedures、Policy implementation issues、Commitment fulfillment issues, etc.,Report to the Autonomous Region Party Committee every quarter、Government Report。

    (8) Strengthening production safety。Implementing the production safety responsibility system,On the basis of strengthening work safety inspections in the hazardous chemicals industry and the civilian explosives industry,Focus on two tasks。Hazardous chemical industry,Mainly promote the relocation and renovation of 16 hazardous chemical companies in densely populated towns (13 companies have been started in 2018),Strive to complete 4 households,Activate the remaining 3 households。Civil explosives industry,Start the technical transformation of 2 civil explosive enterprises,Promote informatization、Intelligent、Safe production level。


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